One Day Until The Captive Kingdom is Releaed
Alright everyone ONE DAY until The Captive Kingdom by Jennifer A. Nielsen is RELEASED. I can’t believe it. Only ONE DAY until we finally have the our long-desired fourth book in the Ascendance Series! ONE DAY!!!!!
*screaming, fainting, repeating*
I don’t know about all of you, but I’m really going to miss our little countdown for The Captive Kingdom. Thank you for joining me on this wild ride! I hope I haven’t annoyed you yet. 😉 Before we jump into things, though, I want to announce that keep a look out here on TWN’s blog Saturday. I’m planning to announce the dates for the posts of my upcoming writing series on character development with a few exciting things. And Sunday we’re planning on having a new page going up. I’ll talk about it in Saturday’s post.
NOTE: Today’s post WILL contain spoilers. Make sure you’ve read THE FASLE PRINCE before continuing.
And if you missed yesterday’s post, be sure to check it out here.
Let’s begin with my second favorite character. It’s all boiling down to this!!
And the winner of Second Favorite Character in the Ascendance Series ISSSSSS……………………
Just a few more to go.
You know I love doing this to you.
Alright here it is.
I absolutely LOVE Mott. He’s so loyal to Jaron even to death. Yet, he’s always there to tell Jaron how reckless he is. And even when Jaron don’t listen, Mott still follows him. TO THE END!! You go, Mott! Man, if I were to point out all my favorite moments with Mott, we’d be here forever, so I’m just going to pull out my favorites from each book.
“And what are you now?” Mott lowered his own sword. “You put on a facade of toughness, but I’ve seen you look frightened. You pretend to care for nobody, but I didn’t miss your reaction when Latamer fell. And you pretend that you could run from your family in Avenia without looking back, but I hear the tone of your voice when you speak of them….Your an actor now, Sage.”
“Jaron, can you ever forgive me for what happened here?”
“You whipped Sage, not Jaron.” He shook his head, not understanding, so I said, “Do you want forgiveness now because I’m Jaron, because I’m king? Would you ask for it if I were only Sage?”
…”Do you remember when Tobias cut your back? You told me the wound was from a cut on a window….When Conner found out I’d tried to keep that from him, he gave me this.” Mott lowered his shirt enough to reveal a whipping scar on his back…. “I took that for Sage, not Jaron.”
He grabbed my arm, though his grip was weak and fading fast. “Your test has always been the same. Be stronger than whatever life brings at you. You will rise from this.”
Mood board time. This one is a favorite of mine.
Now I have some spine poetry I did.
Here’s a funny. I literally just came up with it, so my apologies if it’s not very funny.
Remember that moment when you're rereading The False Prince, and you get to the part when Mott's talking about Prince Jaron and you realize your original thoughts on what the prince had been like was really all wrong.
Answers to yesterday’s questions:
#1. Tobias, Mott, Harlowe *I realize now, that Imogen also “technically” works
#2. “You will regret ever bringing war to me.”
#3. C
Today’s trivia. (Feel free to share your answers in the comments.)
#1. Who tripped Sage when he was running from the butcher?
#2. Finish the sentence: “As long as you have me chained, prepare for waking up a lot in the night,” I said. … (taken from THE FALSE PRINCE)
#3. Multiple choice: In The False Prince, Mott stabs his arm to cover up for Sage accidentally killing one of Veldergrath’s men. Which one was it?
A. his right
B. his left
C. it’s not mentioned
And don’t forget The Captive Kingdom is released Tuesday. A.K.A. tomorrow.
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Fantasy Girl
My answers to the trivia:
#1. Mott
#2. “I’m not a quiet sleeper.”
#3. I’m gonna guess B.
Those are some of my favorite scenes of Mott as well. Your book spine poetry is cool.
@Fantasy Girl, I love those scenes with Mott as well. And thank you, glad you enjoyed!!!!