Narnia Tag
Hey, everyone, I’m here with a new book tag going around: The Narnia Tag. Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Describe the rate of your Narnian fanatic (Nostalgic, Serious, Maniacal).
3. Answer the questions below.
4. Tag 5+ bloggers.
5. Have fun!
I’m grabbing the tag from Jenna Terese. Check it out here.
Rate of Narnia Fanatics:
01. Nostalgic Fanatic—You read the book and/or watched the movies as a child and the word Narnia gives you a warm feeling
02. Serious Fanatic—You rediscovered the wonder of Narnia after you were older and have read the books and watched the movies
03. Maniacal Fanatic—You have lived Narnia from childhood, hid in closets on more accounts than is healthy, have read and watched all the movies including the BBC version
I am a Serious Fanatic. I would have done Maniacal Fanatic, but I have not seen the BBC version…yet!
1. Who’s your favorite Pevensie child?
That is a really, really hard question. I can’t pick just one, so I’ll tell you what I like about each of them. Peter is heroic and a master swordsman and I like to watch him fight. Susan has a lot of similarities with me, as being gentle and motherly like. I like how Edmund grew as a character, and how afterwards he always believe in Lucy and I like to watch him fight, too. And I love how Lucy believes in the impossible and NEVER gave up.
2. What is the most underrated book in Narnia?
I would have to say The Horse and His Boy. Mainly because it doesn’t have children from our world enter into Narnia. It does have the Pevensie children, but their not in it a lot. Which is sad because I really like this book.
3. Who is your favorite Narnian king?
I really like Peter, Edmund, and Caspian. I love those three men, probably because of the movies.
4. Who is your favorite Narnian queen?
Of course Susan and Lucy. I just love the Pevensie kids.
I also want to put in that I really like Cor and Aravis. Though they’re not the king and queen of Narnia, I still think I should mention them.
5. Which non-human Narnian do you like best?
ASLAN, 100%! He’s Aslan! He’s the BEST, no question!
But if Aslan doesn’t count, here is my list:
Fledge, Mr. Tumnus, the Beavers, Bree, Hwin, Trumpkin, Trufflehunter, Reepicheep, Glenstorm, the Bulgy Bears, Puddleglum, Glimfeather, Jewel, and Farsight.
6. Which book deserves a movie?
The Horse and His Boy or The Magician’s Nephew. I feel like these would be GREAT MOVIES! Plus The Last Battle.
7. What is one thing you did as a Narnia fan that you do not regret?
Letting Narnia become a part of who I am!
5. Anyone reading this who wants to do it.
If you don’t have a blog, you can answer the questions in the comments below. Thanks for reading. So, tell me what you think of Narnia in the comments. #LongLiveAslan

Christine Smith
Oh my goodness, WHAT A FUN TAG!!! *heart-eyes* I LOVE me some Narnia and am so happy to see there’s a tag floating around. Thank you so much for tagging me for it! EEP! 😀
Your answers were fantastic! I’m with you–the just have to love those beloved Pevensie children. But, really, ALL the characters are amazing. These books are just so special. <3
Thank you again for tagging me!
You’re welcome, Christine. I’m glad you love them. I am a die-hard Narnia fan! Can’t wait to see yours.
Thank you so much for the nomination, Alana! This looks like a really fun tag! 😁
Your welcome, Mary. It was really fun for me. I hope you enjoy it as well.
Allie Andersen
Thanks for tagging me, Alana! I love Narnia!!
(Also, I’d have to agree with you… Aslan is the best! 😉)
Your welcome, Allie. Aslan is AWESOME! I loooove Narnia too. Hope you enjoy the tag.
Hey Alana. What a fun tag. I love your mood boards, especially the one with the “king or queen of Narnia” quote. When I had read The Magician’s Nephew, I, too, thought it should’ve been turned into a movie. And for my favorite Narnia king – Peter, Edmund, and Caspian are each great kings in their own way. 🙂
Oh, no. Just no. Edmund is the best king. ALL THE WAY!!!! 😉
Anyway, Alana, I love your graphics. The first two were my absolute favorites!!! I haven’t read the Narnia books except for #2 and I had started #s 3 and 4 but that was years ago. But I’ve seen all the movies! (Yeah, I’m sure the books are better ’cause they always are. I’m gonna have to get to Narnia eventually.) Great post!
This looks like a fun tag!! Aslan is my favourite character as well!!🤩
~Evin @
Thank you. Narnia is one of my top favorites! Aslan is just wonderful! I’m glad you enjoy it. Thank you for commenting. <3
Hi, Evin!!!!! Thanks for stopping by! That looks like a cool website! I’ll have to go check it out! 😀
What’s up, Evin!!!! THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER for checking out our site and commenting!!!!! I REALLY LOVE your blog, I’ve been there a few times and think it is soooo AWESOME!!!!