Breaking News from the Book World

Owl Hollow Press’s 2021 Change the World All-Teen Anthology is Released (A.K.A. Y’all Can Finally Read Fairly Impish) + Giveaway

Hey, y’all!!!! Gonna totally act like I didn’t just disappear off the face of the blogosphere for the past two weeks. Soooo I had taken my FIRST EVER blogging hiatus (dunno if I’m supposed to be excited about that) annnnnnd didn’t really tell everyone about it. I was going to, but then…eh, I just decided to disappear and then make my a TRIUMPHANT RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!

But before we jump into today’s post, I wanted to share a few cool things. First my awesome friend and amazing author, Grace A. Johnson, is releasing this EPIC short story called Six O’Clock. It’s releasing March 20th, so be sure to check out ALL the suuuper cool details right o’er here!

AND while you’re checking out Grace’s FANTABULOUS blog, then make sure you read and comment on the guest post I am sooo honored to do on Gabbing with Grace!!! It’s about creating your story’s hook with three easy steps. So make sure to read it right here!!!

Also, while we’re talking about blogs and stuff, about two weeks ago I was interviewed on the AWESOME Kadotake-san’s site!!!!!! So, if you’re wanting to know a lil’ more about yours truly, be sure to check that out HERE! (Yeah, I know I’ve got a lot of updates but when you take a hiatus for a few weeks, this is what happens. XD)

Second, as I’m working on wrapping up Heir to His Crown, be sure to keep your eye open for a chance to join the beta reading team for it!!!!! I can’t wait until sign ups will finally be open to join the beta reading team. I would LOOOVE SOOO MUCH to have YOU on the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More details coming soon. BUT as we wait, how ’bout a suuuper cool graphic that I’ve made!!!!! I’ve been making a LOT of graphics over the past few weeks and they’re piling up on things I need to show y’all, so let’s get one out of the way. This is the graphic for Amadeo.

Soo what have I been up to writerly wise? I’ve been working on getting Heir to His Crown completed, but writing’s been going a bit slower than I would like. However, I’m still hoping to be able to complete this first draft before the end of March. We shall see if I make my goal! I’ve also been briefly plotting out this NEW STORY idea!!!!!!!!!! I will be announcing what it is later (hopefully). As always, stay tuned! I’ve also been getting some new writing tip post ideas (that counts as writing) and have been working on the sequel to Into the Lamp. I supposed it’s about time for a cover and title reveal. (Guys, I don’t know much of what to say in this post, so I thought I’d just share a bunch of graphics stuff. XD)

*pauses until everyone becomes suuuuper excited*


*passes around buckets of popcorn as everyone continues scrolling*

Eh, this post doesn’t need to get too much longer.

*everyone gets even more excited*





(Also in celebration of “Fairly Impish” release, I’ve updated my about part on TWN’s about page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So check that out!!!)

NOW we’re onto the celebration because FAIRLY IMPISH IS RELEASED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gasps and jumps up and down and doesn’t really know what else to do because I’m too excited* Yep, y’all have heard me right, my short story is featured in Owl Hollow Press’s 2021 Change the World all-teen anthology!!!!! Eeekkk, SOOO exciting! AND. THAT. ANTHOLOGY. IS. RELEASED. TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *endless exclamation marks* GUYS, I don’t really know what else to do, because I just want to scream and send a hundred million thank yous!!! First and foremost, to God who has helped me through soo much and also to all of you TWN readers!!!!!! Y’all have encouraged me to keep pursuing my writing dreams and I just don’t know how I could every show my deepest gratitude to each one of you for following TWN, reading and/or liking our posts, and commenting to show y’all’s amazing and undying support. Y’all have just been SUCH a blessing to me!!!!! Words will never properly express how much each one of you mean to me. <333 Sooo here’s some graphics and artwork inspiring my “Fairly Impish”

First I’m gonna show things/images/gifs that are either about Aria or make me think of her character. 

Here’s a picture of Aria drawn by the AMAZING and SPECTACULAR author Daisy Torres 

I always have to have some character who is sassy and sarcastic. I have no idea why. 😂 AND NOW FOR SABER!!!!!!

*cough, cough* I totally did not just show y’all all of this JUST so I could have an excuse to put a Legolas GIF in here. *cough, cough* XD

I hope y’all have enjoyed this random post of random things!!!! This short story is one of my all-time favorites and I hope you’ll check out the anthology right here!!! (Also, if you guys do end up buying the anthology and reading “Fairly Impish” could y’all maybe leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads and maybe also put in a small side note about my short story? If y’all have that kind of stuff, that is. I actually don’t (as of this moment), so it’s just if y’all do. Thanks!!!) Also, note, I can’t speak for the content in what the other short stories have, but mine is completely clean!!!!!!!!!!! You can learn more right here!

ALSO to celebrate this release, it seems only fitting to have a giveaway, amiright!!!!!!! (As always, if you’d rather not be entered, just simply don’t answer the question or let me know you don’t want to be entered, but totally still leave your thoughts in the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The winner of this giveaway will win:

~2 customized, printable “Fairly Impish” bookmarks

~a fifteen page critique by yours truly if you want that (basically, you can send me fifteen pages of anything you’ve written and tell me the kind of feedback you’re wanting and I’ll give you some. But this is only if you’re wanting it!!!!!!!!!! You can totally option not to have the critique if you don’t want it/don’t have anything you’ve written. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings!!!!!!!!!)

~A sneak peek of the first two chapters of Heir to His Crown!!!!!!

TO ENTER: comment below and tell me if you found a genie in a lamp, what would you wish for?

EXTRA ENTRIES: if you share this post on your blog (I guess social media could work too), simply give me the link in the comments below and you’ll receive an automatic extra entry for every time you share this post!!!! (Though, don’t feel obligated or anything like that! I just always feel like I should offer ways for extra entries. XD)

GIVEAWAY ENDS ON MONDAY 12 PM EST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winners will *hopefully* be announced on the following day.

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Grace A. Johnson

    IZZY!!! I am SO excited to read Fairly Impish!!! YAY! And thank you so much for guest posting today and for sharing about my latest release!!! You’re the sweetest!!

    Now, if I found a genie in a lamp, I would probably wish for…can I wish for more wishes?? XD Nah, I’d wish for the ability to write faster, better, and not have to edit anything!!! Every author’s wish, right? Oh, or meet one of my charries in real life!

    • Issabelle

      GRACE!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I’m SO excited for you to read it. TOTALLY lemme know what you think when you have and all. I really hope you enjoy it!!!! YES!!!! Aww, of course, girl, like I said it was a honor to be on your AWESOME site!!!!! AND we HAVE GOT TO GET the word out about your short story!! And *cough, cough* help BAD get a good cover *cough, cough* What, I’m a sucker for an amazing, aesthetically-pleasing cover. XD (Plus, that’s what twin sisters do, amiright. 😉 ) Aww, girl, you’re just TOO SWEET!!!! 😊

      Oooh, yes…Haha, nope you cannot wish for more wishes. (Though, since I didn’t say that in the rules, I guess you really can! XD) Okay, YESSSS!!!!!! That’d be my wish too!!! Now if we could only find a genie, we’d be set for life. 🤔 XD YES!!! That is every author’s wish!!!!! <33 *gasp* THAT WISH IS AWESOME TOO!!!!!!!! THANK YOU for reading, commenting, and entering!!!! <33

      • Grace A. Johnson

        So am I!! I will definitely let you know what I think, but I’m sure I’ll love it! And, by the way, those collages up there are GORGEOUS–and so is the cover for A Stolen Ring!!!

        Thank you!! You’re, like, the best twin sister a girl could ask for!!! (And, yes, the cover for BAD is a priority! XD)

        I was wondering about that…I have so many things I could wish for! Thank YOU for hosting a giveaway, girl!

        • Issabelle

          YAAAAY!!!!! Oooh, now I’m getting worried, ’cause it’s probably not gonna be as great as you think. 😉 Aww, THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!! I’m glad you liked the cover!!! I really liked the mystical fantasy side it kind of gives off. I’ve got some plotting for the sequel to Into the Lamp done, and it looks like it’s gonna be more of an epic fantasy than the first one was. 😉

          You’re welcome!!!! (Hehehe….here we go again. XD) Aww, girl, you really are the best twin sister a girl could ask for!!!!!!!!!!! *showers you with chocolate* (YESSS!!! SUCH a priority!! XD)

          LOL!!! Yes, SAME!!! Yet for some unknown reason, Colin doesn’t. I’m having a hard time figuring out what his second and third wishes should be. 😉 Aww, you’re TOTALLY welcome, girl!!!!! <33

  • Kayleigh

    This is so exciting, Issabelle!!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!! 🎉🎊

    If I found a genie in a lamp, I’d probably wish for a new laptop to write on! 😂

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, KAYLEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means just SO, SO, SOOO MUCH to me!!!! <333

      Oooh, that is a PERFECT WISH!!!!! Maybe wish for two laptops and give one to me. 😂 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for reading, commenting, and entering!!!!!!

  • Ally M.J.

    OH YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY I can *FINALLY* READ FAIRLY IMPISH! Do you have ANY IDEA how long I’ve been waiting for this? I am buying that thing like there’s no tomorrow.
    (Thank for the popcorn by the way XD)
    Welcome back from your somewhat random and unexpected hiatus! We all missed your craziness. But LOOK you got so much stuff done! Look at you, being all productive unlike me! I have writers block currently. Like really really bad writers block. Oh the sorrow.
    Ooh I just LOVE those GRAPHICS! Lol, we all love a good sassy character. Sage has taught us well. Though I would suggest not [REMOVED IN CASE ANYONE HASN’T READ THE BOOKS] It probably won’t end well. And that artwork!! AHHH I love it. Congrats on getting published in the anthology, Issabelle! I can’t wait to read it!!
    If I found a genie in the lamp, I would probably wish for worldwide kindness and that all sex and human trafficking be ended forever. Then I would set my lovely genie friend free because being stuck in a copper tin can for a thousand year can’t possible be fun.

    • Issabelle

      YAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, YES, YESSS!!!!!!! You can FINALLY read it!!! LOL!! Um…I think I can make a pretty good guess. XD YES, YES, YES!!! I reallyyyyy hope you enjoy the story and lemme know what you think when you read it!!!!!!
      (LOL!! You’re welcome, anytime!! 🍿🍿🍿🍿)
      Haha, THANK YOU, girl!!! It’s suuuuper great to be back! Aww, girl, that means like SOOO MUCH!!!!! YES!!! I didn’t get as much done as I had wanted, but I normally set unrealistic goals anyway. XD LOL!!! Girl this being all productive thing is a once in a lifetime shot. 😆 Ooof that doesn’t sound like fun. Ah, yes, the sorrow, the horror!!! Well, I hope you get your creative writing back!!!!!!!!!!!
      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! I’m SO HAPPY!!!!!!! YES! A story’s just soooo much fun when you’ve got some epic sassy characters in the story!!!!!!! IKR!!! I honestly didn’t realize how much I LOOVED sassy characters until after I read TFP! Aah, Sage is soo AWESOME!!!!!!! Aaaah, yes, I feel the SAME WAY!!!!! YES!!! That artwork is INCREDIBLE!!!!! SAME!!!! Aww, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, ALLY!!!! I can’t wait for you to read it!!!!! (Also, I have something that I was wanting to tell you about, so would it be okay if I emailed you? If not, that’s okay! I understand!!)
      YES!! Girl, that is like one of the best wishes ever!! <333 Haha, yes, I'm VERY certain that the genie friend would be very happy about that. I personally know from Genie's endless jabbering that genies do not like being stuck in copper tin cans for YEARSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  • Grace King-Matchett


    YOU’RE PUBLISHED, GIRL!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! <3333333333 I am SO happy for you! I'll definitely be reading that story!!! <3333 1000000000000000000000000000000000 CONGRATULATIONS FROM MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333

    ' , . ` ~ – " . ! <—– confetti (but typed)

    If I had a genie in a lamp that could give me a wish, hmmm. I'd probably wish for the ability to be able to meet my charries, as well. <3 BTW, I am TOTALLY sharing this post!!! <33333

    • Issabelle

      YESSSS!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, GRACE!!!!!! That just means SO MUCH to me!!!!!! <333333333 *infinite hearts* WOOOHOOOO!!!!! YES!!! THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! I reallyyyy hope you enjoy the story and TOTALLY lemme know what you think if/when you read it!!! Girl, I just don't know what to say to all of this niceness, A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUUUUUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *showers you with chocolate*

      Oooh, girl, confetti that's typed is like one of the most GENIUS ideas eVER!!!!!

      YESSS!!!!! I'd wish that I could be able to meet my charries as well, specifically Genie, so not only could I get more wishes I could have suuuper fun time hanging with her. She's like one of my fav characters EVER!!!!!! <33 Aww, THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!!!! That means a LOT!!!! <3333

      • Grace King-Matchett

        Hehe, np, Issa! (can i call you that <3) I'll definitely let you know what I think, girl!!! A HUNDRED MILLION you're welcomes! oo and ty for le chocolate hehe

        Haha, I know! It's like, confetti in a li'l message! <3

        Ugh, yes, I knowwww! I'd totally LOVE to hang with my charries, but eh, I suppose that I kind of do that anyway through writing, and I am going to unwittingly slip myself into the story somewhere in my first novel 😉 so once the novel's done, see if you can try and find me hehe <3 Yess, I'd love to meet Genie too!!! She sounds AWESOME!!!

        Np, it's scheduled to go live tomorrow! <3333

        • Issabelle

          Oh, yes, girl, you can TOTALLY call me Issa!!! YESS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Haha, of course!!!! Le chocolate is da best!!!! XD

          Yep! That’s reallyyyyy cool!!! I can’t believe I never even thought of that!! <33

          YESSSSS!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, that's a good point. The only prob is that sometimes my charries are a bit more annoying in the stories when every possible bad thing you can imagine happens. But I'm sure if we were meeting not at those points, they'd be much more awesome!!!!!!!!! (Hopefully XD) Girl, I had literally done that once. In this spy story I was writing, one of the spies was Agent Issabelle Perry. It was a bit too awesome. 😉 LOL!! I will dEFINITELY be keeping my eyes open!!! YESSS!!!! GENIE IS SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!! You'll have to read that story some time. 😉

          YAAAY!! I can't wait!!!! <33 THANK YOU!!!

  • Grace

    “Ladies and gents, children of all ages, let’s hear a round of applause for the one, the only Miss Maggie Issabelle!!!! *Loud cheering erupts* Mags, I’m so excited for Fairly Impish!! Wahoo! And also I totally want in on this reading of your book… Do you take bribes?? I’m kidding. Mostly.

    If I found a lamp with a genie in it I’d probably scream, then run out of breath so I’d stop screaming, catch my breath and scream again. Then when I finally calmed down enough to make a wish I’d wish for…Um…More wishes?? I know it was already said and it’s so not original so instead I’ll wish for a gigantic library, stuffed with the best books, comfortable reading places and a never-ending supply of snacks, particularly chocolate. Yep. Sounds good. I’m gonna go stare at my lone little bookshelf now. No, actually I’m gonna go check out your about page. Byeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Issabelle

      OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Grace, this has just made my entire day!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! Man, I shoulda started out my post like that. It would’ve been fuuuun. (Also, I like the whole Miss Maggie Issabelle! It’s PERFECT XD) GIRL, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! This just means everything to me. 🙂 YES!!!!!! I hope you like the story!! <33 Hehehehe....hmmm...It depends on how much people are bribing. XD LOL!!! Also, I expect it to be paid in chocolate...just saying. XD

      Hahaha, YESS!!!!! That's probably exactly what I'd do!!!! Or pass out, 'cause I'm prettyyy much known for doing that a lot. XD Surprisingly, Colin didn't scream like a little girl when he found Genie. Of course, he really believed he had just lost his mind. Obviously, he failed to see how AWESOME being crazy is or he wouldn't have been worrying. XD *gasp* NOOOO!!!!!! You can't wish for more wishes, that's just cheating. XDD Okay, like YESS PLEASE!!! I want a gigantic library with the most awesome books and places to read and never-ending supply of CHOCOLATE!! (If you ever find a genie, you will have to invite me over - yes, that's an order. XD You're obligated under the Blogging Friends Code to follow through. XD) LOL!!!! I had honestly glanced over at my li'l bookshelf after reading your comment. XD YESSSS!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!! BYYYEEEEE

  • Katherine

    WOO-HOO ISSABELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *proceeds to screaming for eternity* YOU’RE SHORT IS FINALLY PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Girl, I am SO PROUD of you!!!!!!!!!!💗 And, YES, now I finally get to read “Fairly Impish”!!!!!!!😀 Congratulations, Is!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we need to eat cake!

    Also, awesome gif choices!!!! I love them!!!!!😂

  • Tanager Ryan

    EEE!!! Izzy!!! I’m so excited to “see” you tonight and read your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited (and terrified) for the launch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And your graphics are so GREAT!!!! I love them!!

    If I found a genie in a lamp….um…I would wish to have either wings, or have an adventure with my characters!!!

    • Issabelle

      YESSS!!!!! I’m SOO excited as well to “see” you tonight and I just CANNOT WAIT TO READ YOUR STORY!!!!!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!!!!! Hahahaha, SAME, girl!! SAME!! Mostly because I have no idea what’s supposed to happen. 😉 Like we’re not gonna have to do anything, right? (Also, girl, this is gonna sound really crazy but I just realized that you were the Tanager girl I sprinted with during CWW – I am right about that, right? – soooo this just makes this EVEN MORE AWESOME ’cause I had thought that Tanager girl was cool and wanted to talk with her again. XD) Aww, THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333

      YESSS!!!!! Having wings and going on an adventure with my charries would be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH for reading, commenting, and entering!!!!

      • Tanager Ryan

        SAME!!! I can’t focus on anything cause I’m so excited!!! Exactly!!!! YES! I am!! I thought I recognized your name!!! I wanted to get to know you too because you seemed so nice!!!!!! I was too shy though to ask for your email XD

        You’re welcome, ma’am!! I can’t wait to ‘see’ you sooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

        • Issabelle

          YESS!!!! Aaahhh, ikr!! The last few minutes before it started were just sooo hard. I was excited and nervous and just a million things all at once, but it was really truly AMAZING!!!! AANNNNDDD NOW we’re published authors!!!! 😱 Can you believe it, ’cause I honestly can’t. YESSS!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! That is like SO cool!!!! Aww, SAME HERE, girl!!!! LOL!! That just sounds like me right there. 😉 My mom’s particular about who I give my email too, but, honestly, if she had been okay with it, I would’ve TOTALLY DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333

          YESS!!!!!!!!!!!! I know Imma bit late, but it was, as always, AWESOME "seeing" you at the launch party!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Allie Jo Andersen

    YAY!!!! That’s so exciting!!! 😀 CONGRATS, Is!!!! Also, I love the cover of your new story!!!! It looks so intriguing!!! 😀 Your characters in your short story also seem very interesting!!! I am so happy that you got published through this, and can’t wait to see what other writerly adventures come your way!!! You are just an awesome person and you and Kat have been just an amazing blessing in my writing journey. <3

    Also, beta readers??! Yay!!!! That's so exciting!! 😀 I'll definitely keep an eye out!! 😉 (And I promise I'll actually complete it this time lol! XD)

    Okay, so now I should probably answer your question…. If I found a genie in a lamp…. the first thing I'd wish for is for my family to adopt the two-year-old we're fostering (that the relatives would just vanish and everything would go smoothly). If I got three wishes (like all the fairy tales do, the other two things I'd wish for would be sufficient funds to join the YWW Author program and for my family and I to go to Disney World. Or maybe at least Disney Land. But if not, at least the ocean (the last trip we tried to take ended up in a fiasco and a vacation is NEEDED at this point lol).

    This was a fun random post, Is!! So many exciting things happening, and I'm so excited for you!!!

    • Issabelle

      YESS!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! Aww, THANK YOU, girl!!!!! I really like the mystical fantastical look to it!!! Haha, YAAAY!!!! For a short story, I was actually pretty happy with my charries. Aww, girl, that just means like so, so, SO much to me!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Aww, same here!!!!! Hopefully, Into the Lamp will be next! *crossing fingers* Girl, you’re TOO SWEET!!!! A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!!! You are an amazing, incredible gal too and I’m sooo honored to be your friend and be a part of your writing journey! You’ve been a HUGE blessing to me as well!!!!!! <333

      YESS!!! I have no idea how that's gonna work yet, I just wanna mimic it like yours. XDD YAAAAY!!! Can't wait until sign ups are open!!! (LOL!! That's okay. XD And I just now realized that I forgot again to respond to your awesome comments for the second chapter of Heir to His Crown. Sorry 'bout that. I was meaning to and then life just got to me. But I will try to respond this weekend!!!! 🙂 )

      Hehehe..YEA!!!! Aww, yeah, that makes sense. I've been praying for you and your fam and I hope things will work out well and your fam can adopt the girl. LOL!! Yes, 'cause if a genie's gonna grant wishes he needs to give ya three!!!! 😉 Oooh, YEA!!!! AWESOME!!!! the YWW Author Program looks REALLY cool!!!!! Aaaah, YESSS!!!!! And PLEASE take me with you!!! XD No, don't go to Disney Land, everyone says it's not as awesome as Disney World. And if you go to Disney World you could visit Delbert and meet Colin. XDD (Yes, I just had to. XD) Ooofff, yeah, y'all are probably in need for an epic vacay. LOL!!!

      THANK YOU, ALLIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!! Girl, THANK YOUUUU!!!! *hugs*

      • Allie Jo Andersen

        You are so very welcome!!!! Yes, it does have a really cool mystical feel to it!!! 😀 Aww, you are so very welcome!!! YES!! And with the experience you gained from publishing your short story, that should help a ton, too!! Aww, thank you so much, Is!!! <3 It means so much to me to have gotten to know you and Kat over the last several months!!!! You all are awesome!!!!!

        XD Haha, well if you want some tips/recommendations for how to set it up, please don't hesitate to reach out!! I'd love to help!! Yay, me, too!! (Oh, no worries at all!!! I totally understand, things have been crazy, and I get that. 🙂 )

        Aw, thanks, Is!!! Haha, I know right? Yes, the YWW Author program does seem pretty cool! Oh really? XD I've only been to Disney Land, and that was pretty awesome! Although I've heard that a lot, too. XD Haha yeah probably. XD

        You are so very welcome!!!!! *sends hugs back*

        • Issabelle

          AWESOME!!!!!! Yes, you’re soo right! I’ve already noticed how it’s helping me edit my stories, ’cause I had learned a lot from feedback I’d gotten on the story!!! You’re soo welcome, girl!!!!! Aww, girl, you’re TOO SWEET!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

          Oh, that’s good, ’cause I was actually wanting to email you and ask you a bunch of questions!!!! 🙂 YAAY!! THANKS!!!!!!! (THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, girl!!!!! Yes, things have been sooo crazy right now for me, I’m having a hard time keeping up.)

          You’re totally welcome!!!! Yeah, I was just looking at it this morning and it seems suuuper awesome!!!! I hope you can eventually get into it!!!!!!!!! <333 Aaah, then you're going to HAVE to go to Disney World!!!!!!!! <33 🙂

    • Katherine

      Awww, you’re so sweet, Allie!!!!!!<3 You have truly been a blessing in my writing journey too!!!!!!!! And I have you to thank for telling me about CWW! Without doing CWW, I wouldn't be as far as I am in my WIP right now. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3

  • Jane

    I’m sooooooooooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *waves arms to get everyone’s attention* *clears throat and accidentally coughs in the microphone* *throws microphone over shoulder and starts yelling* ISSABELLE PERRY IS OFFICIALLY A PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *confetti* *party streamers* *a giant cake with the words “YOUR PUBLISHED!!” one it* *lots and LOTS of balloons* I’m so proud of you girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, on to the VERY important question of the day, how can I get a signed copy? I mean sure, it would be cool to get a book signed by Stuart Gibbs or Jennifer A. Nilsen, but to have a book signed by THE ISSABELLE PERRY would be the absolute BEST. THING. EEEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! I also LOVED all the graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the GIFs!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m not gonna enter the give-away, but the question is too fun to leave unanswered. If I found a genie, I would wish for all sickness to be cured, and for an infinite supply of books. 🙂

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH, JANE!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS, girl you just don’t know how happy this has made me. THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!! I’m OFFICIALLY a published author!!! *pumps fist in the air* Honestly, I thought I’d feel different, if you know what I mean, but I still feel like the wack ole nut I was a few days ago. XD *mouth drops open at the sight of the – might I add gigantic – cake with the words “YOUR PUBLISHED” on it* *admires all the balloons* (btw, I have some strange love for balloons, so that was PERFECT! XD) Girl, THANK YOU!!!! That means a LOT!!!! Hahaha, aww, I can’t believe getting a signed copy of this anthology would be MORE awesome than one from Jennifer A. Nielsen or Stuart Gibbs (I mean, I *think* they have waaaaaay more sanity and writerly skills than me XD)! THANK YOU!!!!! Well, my answer to the very important question is I don’t know. XD Maybe hold on to that book until my first book signing, and then I shall sign it for you!!!!!!!! <3333 THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!! I especially liked the GIF from I Dream of Jeannie, 'cause Jeannie makes me think of my Genie. 😉

      Okey-dokey!!!! YESSS!!! THOSE ARE AWESOME WISHES!!!!!!! Wouldn't it be great if Genie was that genie? XD That'd be too awesome. 😉

  • Joy Caroline

    Praise the Lord congratulations, I am just so happy for you! You’re an amazing writer and an amazing friend and this is an amazing milestone. Supporting you all the way! 💗 *sending hugs*

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, JC!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww, girl, you’re just TOO SWEET!!!! That means soo much!! You an amazing writing and friend too!!!! <333 THANK YOU!!!!!!! *hugs you back* <33

  • Mahitha R.

    *Reads part of the title and doesn’t understand*
    *Reads the aka part ad freaks out*

    Yayyyy!!! I can finally read “Fairly Impish”!!!!! I’m so excited!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

    Okay, if I found a genie in a lamp, I would wish for these three things:

    1) To become a successful blogger (like TWN)!!!
    2) To succeed in my dream jobs (primary job as optometrist and secondary job as an author)!!!
    3) And to wish for infinite wishes so that I will be able to wish for more!!! 😀

    Congrats again, Izzy!!

    • Issabelle

      LOL!!!!! Yea, I had forgotten to explain to everyone what the title of the anthology that Fairly Impish would be published in was called. XD

      YAAAY!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! <333 YESSS!!! I hope you enjoy the short story!! TOTALLY lemme know what you think!!!!!! <333 THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH, MAHITHA!! It means A LOT!!!! <333

      Oooh, these are some SUUUPER GREAT wishes!!! Aww, girl, I don't really know how much of a successful blog TWN is (I know blogs who have a MUCH higher following) but that honestly means SO much that you think that!!!! And I know Amateur Teen Writer has SOOOO many awesome places to go!!! <33 Ooooh, those dream jobs sound AWESOME!!! What's an optometrist, if you don't mind me asking? LOL!!!! Yes, the infinite wishes choice seems to be veryyyy popular. 😉

      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, girl!!!! Your comments always make my day!! <33

      • Mahitha R.

        Yes!!! I’ll let you know what I think as soon as I read it!!! 😀

        Oh, I wouldn’t judge a blog by its following, usually, I’d judge it by how fun a professional it looks (and how well known it is by other bloggers)!! 😛 Thank you!!!! Oh, an optometrist is an eye doctor…but I have a feeling that that dream job’s probably gonna change soon. XD

        <3 I'm glad they do!!! <3

        • Issabelle

          YESSSS!!!!!!! Now I just can’t wait for you to read it!!! *dances* 🙂

          Oh, wow, now I feel like even MORE honored. You’re just the SWEETEST, girl!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! You’re welcome! Ooooh, that’s suuuper cool!!! LOL!!! I’ve changed dreams jobs sooo many times it’s crazy, but so far I’ve stuck with writer. At least for the time being, I’ve still got my eyes set on dragon rider. XD

          <3333 YES!!

    • Katherine

      AWW, GIRL, that is so nice that you think we’re successful!!!😊 I’m still very new to blogging and I’m not sure how successful we really are. But your kind words have REALLY TRULY just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!❤️ I think that you are indeed a successful blogger!!!!!!!! You’re AWESOME, Mahitha!!!!!!!<3

  • Gemma

    I wish for more time so I could write my stories faster. Then I’d wish for chocolate. *sighs* If only I could have unlimited chocolate….
    Also CONGRATS Issabelle!!!!!! I’m sooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to read your stuff!!!!!!! I’m sooooo excited too!!!!!!!!!!

    • Issabelle

      Haha, YESS!!!! SAMMMEEEE!!!!!!! Things would go sooo much easier if I had more time. XD Okay, YES PLEASE!!! Give me all da chocolate!!! *gasp* UNLIMITED CHOCOLATE???!!!! That’s like the best wish EVER!!!!! *high fives*

      THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH, Gemma!!!!!! Aww, girl, that means a LOT!! TOTALLY lemme know what you think if/when you read Fairly Impish!! Girl, your excitement just makes me EVEN MORE excited!!!! <33 ANNNNNDD I can't wait until The Queen's Game is out!!!!! Five more days, right?

  • Alexa

    AHHHHHH! The book is released!!!!! CONGRATS! 🎉🎉 I put it in my amazon cart, so hopefully, it will come soon and I can read your story! I’m already dancing around! Are you going to be attending TABC? AHHH! I still can’t wait to read it! Oh, and if I found a genie in a lamp, I would wish for….hmmm….. either Covid to go away or for world peace. Can’t wait to read your story!

    • Issabelle

      YESSSS!!!!! THE BOOK IS RELEASED!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, Alexa!! It means a lot!! <33 YAAAY!!!!! Yes, I hope you'll get it soon and that you'll like it. And then totally lemme know what you think about the story and all! <333 Aww, girl, your excitement has literally made my night!!! A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a great time at TABC!! Oooh, YEA!!!! Those are some suuuper awesome wish choices!!!! <33 I'm definitely wishing for Covid to disappear. YAAAY!!!! Me neither! Again, THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

  • Jen

    Your short story is published!!!!!! Congrats!!!! I am so, so happy and excited for you!!! All the graphics are amazing! And eeeee!!! Into the Lamp’s sequel! So cool! Hmmm, if I found a genie in a lamp I would wish for a shelf in my room that magically held whatever book I wanted to read. 😉

    • Issabelle

      YESSS!!! It is published!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Aww, girl, really? You just don’t know how much that means to me. A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUSSS!!!!!! And I’m SO happy to hear that you like the graphics!!!! YESS!!! The sequel for Into the Lamp comes forth! I have no idea if it’s gonna be really cool, really weird, or just cringe-worthy. I’ve never ever been able to complete a sequel, sooo this is gonna be a bit of a challenge for me, but I am pumped and ready!!!!! *gasp* Okay, girl, that is like the most GENIUS wish ever!!!!! YESSS!!!!! I want one too!!!!!! <333

  • Mahitha R.

    I’m posting another comment because I literally JUST realized…MY SHORT STORY CONTEST IS IN THE FOOTER OF YOUR BLOG!!!! 😀 Yay, I’m so happy right now!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing that!!!! It really means a lot to me!!!!! <3 <3

    • Issabelle

      Haha, I was hoping you’d see it. 😉 YESSSS!!!!! Aww, girl, I’m SO happy to hear that!!!!! You’re TOTALLY WELCOME, Mahitha!!!!! We’ve gotta spread the word about your incredible short story contests!!!!!! And from the looks of it, I’m gonna have a bit more competition this time, but Imma aiming for first place. Can’t let Kat show me up. XDD Nah, I’m just kidding around. Thank YOU for hosting your short story contests!! It’s a great to get me to try different genres like mystery (though, I still reallyyy stink that it XD) and sci-fi!!!!!!!! <333

    • Katherine

      Haha, yes!!!!!!!😀 Your contest are so EXCITING and AWESOME that we just gotta tell people about it!!!!!!!!!!! (Plus, putting the link to the contest in the footer probably kept us from screaming our heads off. XDD) YAY, I’m so happy that your so happy!!!!!😀 Aww, OF COURSE, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3 I CAN'T WAIT to enter in the contest!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down*

  • Victoria

    WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! TODAY’S DA DAY!!!!!!! *throws confetti and balloons and chocolate* *catches the chocolate after realizing it should be eaten and not thrown* *mails chocolate to Issabelle ‘CAUSE SHE TOTALLY DESERVES IT* XD CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN GIRL!!! I am SOOO excited to read it (as you already know)!!! 😉

    Also, BETA READING HEIR TO HIS CROWN SOUNDS AWESOME!!!! Imma totally gonna keep my eyes open for that! And THE GRAPHIC. OH MY GOODNESS, IT’S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I could literally stare at it allll day. XD Oh, and that cover for A Stolen Ring is SOOOO COOL!!!!! I was actually wondering if you had started the sequel yet! XD

    LOLOL, girl, you have NO IDEA how many times I do or say something just to put in a certain GIF! XD And, uh, that Legolas one TOTALLY deserves it. 😉

    Oh boy!!! Another giveaway!!!! 😀 Let’s see….if I found a genie in a lamp I would wish to become a super famous author and that my book would be made into a movie (but I would help with the movie so they don’t ruin anything in the book) XD so that:
    a) I would hopefully get a lot of money.
    b) I would use that money to buy a big plot of land and get a horse. XD
    c) I would use MORE of the money to go on that trip to New Zealand with you! 😉
    d) I would give the REST of the money to Christian organizations, non-profits, etc.
    e) I could share the Gospel with people in Hollywood 😀
    Sooo yeah. It’s always a loaded question when it comes to me! XD

    • Issabelle

      YESSSSS!!!!!! WAAHHHOOOO!!!! TODAY’s DA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances in the confetti and balloons and runs to mailbox after mailman leaves, grabs Victoria’s chocolate, and eats ’em all* Yum!!! XD Aww,girl, THANK YOU A HUNDRED MILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!! This just means SO much to me!!!!!!! <333 YESS!!! I can't wait for you to read the "official and edited" version of Fairly Impish!!!! THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES for your undying support girl. It's meant the world to me!!

      YESS!!! I was SO hoping you'd wanna join the beta reading team!!! It just wouldn't be the same without you, girl!!!!!!!!!!! Aww, girl, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! That just means SO much!!!!! It's one of my FAVORITE graphics I've done so far!!! Oooh, also, I've got an updated one for Genie. Would you like me to send it to ya? YESSSS!!!!! I'm SOO GLAD you think so!!!! I just LOOOVE the cool mysteriousness to the cover. Which goes perfectly well for how I want the second book to go: fantastical and mysterious. I've been *briefly* plotting out the sequel, A.K.A. trying to figure out the best way to torture Colin. #EvilAuthor XD

      Hahahaah YESSSSS!!!!!!! You gotta love 'em GIFs!!! I was honestly think 'bout you when I put in the Hans Solo one and the Legolas one!!!!!! YESSS!!!! THE LEGOLAS ONE IS DA BEST!!!!! 😉

      Haha, yep!! I dunno why I looove running giveaways so much. Hopefully, one of these days, I'll do one with some actual cool things to give away. XDD YESSS!!!!! That would be one of the COOLEST things ever!! (And, YES, if anyone ever makes a movie off my books, I'm gonna have some say in stuff.) Aww, girl, I LOOOVE your reasons why!!!! And if you get that horse, I'm coming over sometime and riding it. 😉 YESSS!!!! I AM going with you to New Zealand!!!!!!!! <333 And, yes, the Gospel does need to be shared to Hollywood. 😃 (But *cough, cough* when you're that famous author, don't forget about li'l ole me. XD)
      LOL!!!! That's okay!! SAME with me. 😉

  • Mary

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *continues to endlessly scream* CONGRATS ISSABELLE!!!!!
    That cover is AMAZINGNESS 😱😍😱😍😱😍
    And your collages look amazing as always!!!!
    AND I’M JUST SUPER EXCITED I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ELSE TO SAY SO…WHEN IN DOUBT, PARTY: *showers you with chocolate and confetti and cranks up music and starts dancing weirdly*

    • Issabelle

      AAAAHHHHHHHH *continues to endlessly scream with you* XD THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, MARY!!!!!!!!! <33
      Aww, you really think so? THANK YOU!!!!!! I just LOOOVE how mysterious and fantastical it looks, y'know.
      Girl, you're TOO SWEET!!! THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!
      AAAAHHH I KNOW RIGHT!!!!! I'm STILL soooo excited!!!!! *gasp* THAT IS THE MOST GENIUS THING EVER???!!!!! YESSS WAHOOOO!!! When in doubt PARTY!!!! *happily accepts ALL da chocolate and starts dancing like crazy while ignoring the weird looks my way* XD THANK YOU SOO MUCH, girl!!!!! <33 It really means a LOT!!!

      • Mary

        AHHHHHH *is STILL screaming*
        Yessss totally!!
        YOU’RE WELCOME!!!!
        YESSS, IT WAS AWESOME TO ‘SEE’ YOU (although all my chat comments were only going to the moderators for like half of the thing until I was like “OOOOoOOOOOO…I see…” 😂) YESSS IKR!!?? I should, like, make that into my life quote or something 🤔 WOOOOO *dances by you as everyone stares at us weirdly* You’re totally welcome!!!

        • Issabelle

          YESSSSS!!!!!! *is also STILL screaming and will probably not stop for a while*
          YESS!!! It REALLY WAS!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for attending!!!!!!! (lol!!! That's okay, I'm just glad you were there, 'cause I was wondering if you had made it since I didn't see your chat comments. XDD 😂 Honestly, that just sounds like something that'd happen to me. XD) YESS!!! Girl you SHOULD!!!! WHOOP!!!!! *continues dancing and ignores the weird looks* <333

  • Ribbon Ash

    *brain overloaded at all of the awesome things I just heard*
    Oh, an awesome short story to read you say? Well, I’m am going to check that out soon!
    You did two guest posts?! Wow. And the topics really good. I can’t wait to read them!
    BETA READING TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, I’m so excited for this!!!!!
    Love the graphic! It looks amazing! <3
    OH, NEW STORY IDEA!!!! AHHHHH, so excited to hear more!!!!!!!!
    YESSSSS, Fairly Impish is released!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it one day!!!! (Hopefully soon!) And, oh, the graphics and the pictures for it are just gorgeous, girl!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Also love the gifs!!!
    OOOO, a giveaway!!!!!!!! I think I would wish for Smoke and the gang to come alive, visit all of the places in the world I want to go for writing research, and and get all of books I want to read without paying them. (I hope you don't mind I basically took the same answers from when you asked me what I would wish for months ago.)

    • Issabelle

      LOL!!! YESSS!!!!!!!
      YAAAY!!!!!! Grace is an AWESOME writer, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting being able to read this short story!!!!!!! <33
      Yep!! Shows you how crazy busy I've been. 🤣 Oooh, really?! THAT'S SOOOO AWESOME!!!! THANKS!!!! YAAAY!!! I hope you enjoy them!
      YESSSS!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited especially 'cause you're excited!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
      Aww, girl, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! It's one of my fav graphics! (Am I allowed to pick favs? 😉 )
      WWOOOHOOOO!!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's actually the story I was telling you about with the elemental magic!!!!!!!!!!
      YESSSS!!!!!! I am!!!!! Well, er, I'm trying to. It's not entirely going as planned, but hopefully it'll all work out, 'cause I just have sooooo many good plot twists I've been DYING to pull. XD Yes, my stories are not complete without a lotta plot twists!!!!!!!
      YESSSS!!!!! IT IS RELEASED!!!!!!!! YAAAY!!!! Hahaha, yeah, hopefully soon. XD If/when you ever read it totally lemme know what you think and all!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! This really means a LOT!!!!!!!!! <33333
      YESS!!! It is time for another! I have some strange obsession over giveaways. XD YESSS!!! Those are some AWESOME WISHES!!!!! LOL!!! I literally forgot about asking that question until you just mentioned it. XD I can't believe I missed that! Well, I feel like I already said this but Smoke being alive would be like one of the most AWESOMEST THINGS EVER!!!!!!

      • Ribbon Ash

        Yessssssssss, I thought this new idea was the elemental magic one!!!!!!!!
        Yeah, well, I have to say one of the versions of Smoke would be pretty cool to see! Also, this time I thought it would be great to bring all of the other characters from his story to life as well. Especially with Blossom, cause you know. 😉 But then I realised it was a horrible idea because then I have to… deal with Lon and Kayo…. *is mildly terrified especially if I can’t choose which version to pick*

        • Issabelle

          Yes, it would be the COOLEST!!!!! Without a doubt! *gasp* Uh, yea!!!! Blossom sounds almost as awesome as Smoke, and that’s a SERIOUS compliment. XD Oooh, yeah, I didn’t think about that. Well, maybe we can silently not include them? OR we could send them to Delbert while we go hang with Smoke and Blossom, I’m sure no one will notice they aren’t around. 😉 Lol!!!!

          • Ribbon Ash

            Haha, yay, I’m glad you love Blossom too!! Sometimes she goes unnoticed under all of the love for Smoke. Which is totally fine, I don’t mind, but like Blossom is so precious to me too and I hope she gets a lot of love too. I may or not be planning to write one of the books in the series in mostly her POV! Shhh. It’s a secret. If only… they are smart. They are not going to get fooled by those things. *sighs* The author has just her foot in it and she’s done for. Good thing I didn’t find a real genie yet. 😉

            • Issabelle

              Haha, yeah, it’s hard to get noticed when Smoke’s in the room. XD But Blossom’s really cool, too!!!!!! Aww, I think lots of people will love Blossom too once they get to know her!!!!!!!!! *gasp* THAT’S AN EPIC IDEA!!!!!!! Oh, okay. My lips are sealed. XD *mimics zipping up lips and throwing away the key* Aww, man, ’cause I thought I had a good idea going there. 😉 Lol! Yeah, it’s probably a good thing. XDD

  • Victoria

    D’AWWWWW, YOU’RE A HUNDRED MILLION TIMES WELCOME!!!!! I’m TOTALLY gonna read it once I get it and YESSSS, beta reading Heir to His Crown just sounds AMAZING!!! Ooooh, girl, would LOVE to see Genie’s new graphic!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet it’s FANTABULOUS!!!

    LOLOLZ, #EvilAuthors for the win!!! XD I’m totally gonna have to figure out how to torture Valor or Eve or someone (probably Valor ’cause torturing boy characters are da bomb!) XD *cough* no offense to any dudes out there, that’s just the way us lady writers flow! XP

    Awww, you were!?!? That means so much!!!!! 😀 😀 <33333

    WHAT?!?! I think what you're giving away is AWESOME!!!! I'd love to run some kind of giveaway on my to-be blog but I would literally have NO IDEA what to give away! XDD YESSS, you TOTALLY will!!! You could help me pick out the horse's name too! XD In fact, we could somehow ship the horse over to New Zealand and ride it THERE!!!! XP Awwww, of course I won't forget about you! 'Cause, I mean, for one, you'd be a famous author too and we'll be doing webinars and book signings together!!! XD

    • Issabelle

      YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just can’t wait for you to get it. XD My mom got her copy that she ordered today and there was something sooo awesome about seeing the words I wrote on a printed page, if you know what I mean. I probably don’t make any sense. It’s just one of my biggest dreams was just being able to hold a story I wrote. WOHOOOO!!!!! I’m SOO happy that you think that!!!!!!!!!! I always get SO nervous asking for beta readers. 😉 YESS!!!! I just sent it to you!!!! Aww, THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      YESS!!! I…um..*cough, cough* Actually stole the whole #EvilAuthor thing from another author. XD YESSSS!!!!!!! Definitely torture Valor!! LOL!!! IKR!!!! I have no idea why but it’s just soooo much more fun to torture boy characters. XD LOL!!! Yes *cough, cough* sorry dudes. SO true, though, girl!!!!!!!!!!!

      YESSSSSS!!!!!! <3333 <333 I automatically always think of you now when Legolas comes up. XD (And my jealousy that you're gonna take archery lessons without me. 🤣)

      Awww, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Oooh *gasp* GIRL, you TOTALLY should!!!!!!! Hahaha, that's okay!! We can come up with some ideas together. OR we could host the giveaway together!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 YESSSS!!!!!!!! Oooh, really? *dances* Now I shall be thinking of good horse names. How 'bout Legolas if it's a dude XDD Okay, girl, that is the most GENIUS IDEA EVER!!!! YESSS!!! We'll take Legolas the Horse to New Zealand and live in Hobbit holes and take archery and sword fighting lessons. (We've gotta be able to defend ourselves from orcs XDD) Awww, THANK YOU, girl!!!!! LOL!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!! We are TOTALLY gonna have to do webinars and book signings together. XD EPIC!!!

  • Deami

    THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I am so so happy for you, Issabelle!! <3
    You are making AMAZing progress, and all your hard work is paying off! 🙂
    What would you say was one of the hardest things about writing Fairly Impish? (And more importantly, what did you enjoy the most about writing it?)

    Funny you should ask about the genie in a lamp thing, cuz my brother and I were talking about it not too long ago. He thinks he found a way to "beat the system" by (and this is in a three wishes case scenario) using one wish to wish for more genies (NOT wishes technically, and apparently according to the Aladdin movie, which must be accurate XD, genies DO have the power to create other genies) use one wish for himself, and then use one wish to set the genies free. So yeah, that's his idea, what d'ya think? Pretty clever/Would it work? 😉

    But for just one wish..hmmm, so many possibilities…………..*thinks for like an hour*….probably that I could learn anything insanely fast, and be really good at it. Imagine how many skills one could acquire!!!! Want to learn to communicate in any language? No problem! Want to have ninja skills? Done! Want to play an instrument? No more long hours of terrible noise and endless frustration (looking at you, violins!) now you can play all your favorite songs with ease! School, work, wealth, fame, entertainment, the possibilities are endless!!!!!!!! 😀

    And also, I have to add, your posts are just so much fun to read!!! You are always so fun and welcoming, and your enthusiasm is truly contagious! [but you know, in a good way 😉 Like, if I could catch anything it would be this kinda way…and I'm gonna stop myself right there, cuz you know what I mean 😉 ]
    Thank you for sharing this momentous occasion! (SO SO EXCITING!!!!!!! Way to go, girl!)

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH, DEAMI!!!!!!!!!!! That just means SOOOO MUCH to me!!!!!!!!! <33
      Hmmm....First probably coming up with what to write and the title and then trying to write that 6K story in like four days. It took me about a month before I decided what I'd write about and then I put it off until the last few days before the deadline. It was reallyyyy crazy trying to cram that story in and at least do a round of edits. I *cough, cough* sent first draft material in. NEVER recommend doing that. XD Ooooh, the most fun thing would be my charries. I just LOOVE Aria and Saber!!!!!!!! They be my peeps. XD

      Aaahhhhh, that's actually a pretty GENIUS idea!!!!! (I can't believe no one didn't think about it before 😉 ) I'm actually pretty mind-blown over here, I mean we ALL shoulda thought about this before now. XD If you ask me, it TOTALLY sounds like it would work!!!!!! (I shall ask Genie from my story if it would. XD)

      YESSS!!!! I know right!!! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!!!!! *gasp* I LOOOOVE YOUR WISH CHOICE!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, that would be like SOOOO beneficial!!! And, yes, I would VERY much like to have suuper awesome ninja skills. XDD LIKE I'D TOTALLY MAKE THAT WISH TOO!!!!!! Now we just gotta find us some genies. XD Have any ideas where to start looking besides suuper creepy caves?

      Awww, girl, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! That just means A LOT!!!!!! Aww, you really just don't know how much this means to me!!! I'm always worrying that my posts are gonna be weird and that people get annoyed with my exclamation marks and proneness to use all caps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!! Yes, I TOTALLY get what ya mean. 😉 THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!
      Aww, girl, you're soooo welcome! THANK YOU for reading and commenting!! Your comments ALWAYS make my day!!!!!!!!! (Ikr!! THANK YOU JUST SO SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  • Trixie M.

    Hi Issabelle! It’s me Trixie, but with an actual WordPress account, lol.
    YAY I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Fairly Impish sounds amazing!!I will definitely have to try to buy the book, and leave an awesome review!! And a sequel ooh!! I love those graphics!!

    • Issabelle

      HEYA TRIXIE!!!!!! What’s up, girl? YESS!!! Welcome into the WordPress fam, lol!! *hugs and showers you with chocolate* LOOVE your profile pic, btw!!! <333
      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333 I mean, can you honestly believe it, 'cause like I can't. XD Aww, I'm SO happy to hear!!!! YES!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!! If/when you read it, totally lemme know what you think, kay? I REALLY hope you enjoy it!!!!!! YES DA SEQUEL...*cough* that will probably turn out suuper cringey XD. THANK YOU!!!!! <333

  • Em Elizabeth

    OH MY GOSH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RELEASE!!!!!! That is such an amazing accomplishment, and I’m so so proud of you! Seriously, that is so cool! Incredible! Fantabulous! I can’t wait to read it! (I also intend to check out those guest posts when I get the chance!)
    Also, all those graphics are so pretty and so cool! And great work with all the progress you’ve made with your various writing projects! You do so much. It’s both impressive and inspiring! You go girl!

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH, EM ELIZABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That really means SOO much to me!!!! <33 Aww, girl, you're just THE SWEETEST!!!! A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!! <33 YAAAY!!!! I hope you like it!!!! ANd TOTALLY lemme know what you think!!!! (Ooooh, YAAY!!!!! I hope you enjoy them!! They were some of my FAVORITES!!!) Aww, girl, this comment has just made me SO happy!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!! Aww, girl, I don't even know what to say!!! I will admit, sometimes it's hard to balance everything I do, but it's always soooo worth it in the end!!!!!!! <333 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!! And right back at ya!!! You rock!!!!! <33

  • Ashlyn

    That was a looooong and GREAT post Issabelle!
    WHAT!?!?! WOWOWOWOW! Congratulations for getting you short story PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉 🎉🎉that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you😁😁. I can’t wait to read it! I’m just in awe right now. Getting something published is so AMAZINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just pretend this is 1 million exclamation marks ;))
    I’m gonna continue the little theme going on here….and shower you in chocolate 🍫😉
    I don’t need to be in the contest btw (and I’m late anyway🤦‍♀️🤪)
    Now I’m gonna go click on all those links and check ‘em out!

    • Issabelle

      Aww, girl, a HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!! That just means SOO MUCH!!!!!!! <33 YAAAY!!!!! I hope you like it and if you read it, totally lemme know what you think!!!!!!!! Aww, girl, you're just the SWEETEST!!!! Your comment has just made my day. THANK YOUUU!!!!!!!!!! Lol, I loved your one million exclamation marks. They're da best!!!!! <333
      Hahah, well, you can NEVER have too much chocolate. *eats most of the chocolate but shares a li'l with Ashlyn*
      YAAAAY!!!!!!! The links lead to some awesome places. 😄😜

  • Samantha

    Hi Issabelle! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I’m just hopping over here to say hi back!
    CONGRATS on your short story being published! That’s amazing! You must be on top of the world! And those graphics. Wow! (Y’know what, showing us all that just so you can put in a Legolas GIF is totally legit. Legolas for the win. XD)

    • Issabelle

      Heya, Sam!!!!!!!!! Aww, girl, you’re TOTALLY welcome!!!!!! Aww, well, THANK YOU!!!!!! I always get probably too excited over comments. 🙂

      THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Haha, yeah, I am. Part of me can’t honestly believe it and the other part is just bursting with happiness!!!!! Aww, girl, a HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!! 😊 (Lol, why thank you. *bows* XD YES!!! I second that!!! Legolas for the win!!!!! *pumps fist in the air* I think it’s kinda obvious, but he is my FAV character in Lotr!!!)

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