
My FIRST Author Interview at Gabbing with Grace!!!!!!!!!


Oh, yeah, my first author interview!!! *dances* I mean, I’ve had interviews before, but that was before I was published!! So, yes, note that’s why I said first author interview! Now let’s cue the confetti and dancing GIFs!!!!

Ya gotta love it when Edmund Pevensie is celebrating with you. *sigh* 

Well, y’all can read the FANTABULOUS interview over at Grace A. Johnson’s site right o’er here!!!!

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, letโ€™s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writersโ€™ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What sheโ€™s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Victoria

    WHOOOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS, ISSABELLE!!!!! *throws confetti and streamers and balloons and other party stuff* I LOVED reading your interview! That’s like SOOO COOL how your mom is a writer! If you don’t mind me asking, what book did she publish? Oh, and when you said “suuper hot Russian boys” I seriously almost died laughing. XDDD You and I are on the same page there, girl!! XP (I dunno about the thriller part, but Nadine Brandes’ book Romanov has a SUPER broken Russian guy in it, too!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER, VICTORIAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! *chases after the balloons ’cause I have some child-like love for them* XD Awww, girl, I am SO HAPPY to hear that!!!! <3333 Aaaah, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Yes, it IS!!!! Of course, not! It was called Secret of the Red Diamond by Kimberly Perry. I *think* you can still order it on Amazon, but her publishing company had gone out of business about a few years after she published it, so I don't think any new copies are printed. It's kinda like whatever Amazon has left is all that's left. (Which is one copy, sooo there's that. XD) Hahahahaha, well, if you ever read an Ally Carter book you'll notice one thing in common. The girls have a lot of problems and the boys are like perfect and waaaay too handsome. XD YESSSS!!!!!! (Aaaahh, YES!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!! I have SO been wanting to read Romanov!!! Plus, I have some strange love for books with Russian teen boys in it, so there's that. XD)

    • Issabelle

      Hahaha, it was, wasn’t it. XD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! (Lol, I’m being biased, too! XDD) You’re SO welcome! Thank YOU for organizing it and asking me!!!!!! <333

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, DIAMOND!!!!!!!!!! D’awwwww, THANK YOUUUUU, girl!!!! I hope I wasn’t completely boring to learn about. XDD YESS!!!! It IS!!! *pumps fist in the air* <333 THANK YOU!

  • Joy Caroline

    Congratulations! So exciting that this is your very first author interview – I shall head over to read it right after I finish typing out this comment. Also, I see Heir to His Crown is 88% complete. Cheers!
    Happy Sabbath!

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOO MUCH, JC!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeekkk, ikr!!! I’m just jumping up and down with joy and excitement and I REALLY need to calm down. *takes deep breath* YAAAY!!!!! I hoped you enjoyed it! <33 Aaahh, yes, it has been stressful at best trying to wrap it up before May, while having mountains of school and blogging to keep up with. But THE END IS IN SIGHT!!! Though, now I'm worrying that it's gonna be 85K instead of 80K, so I'm probably less than 88% done. *sighs* But THANK YOU!!!! <333

  • Alexa

    Congrats!! That’s so awesome that your mom is an author! And what a great role model Katherine must be! And yes, courage is so a choice! I love when I read this part: “I want my readers to walk away believing that no matter how flawed or broken you are, no matter how far youโ€™ve run, or if you believe youโ€™re weak, a coward, or whatever. The world still needs heroes like you.” When you said that’s what you want readers to take away from your writing, I thought that was so true! I’ve only read a couple of your writings and I can totally see what you want readers to learn! Also, that’s so cool that TWN started out as a Google site and then a Wix site! And now you are here on WordPress!

    • Issabelle

      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, ALEXAA!!!!!! Aww, THANK YOU!!!!! YESS!!! Katherine is SUCH an inspiring and wonderful role model for me!!! I literally wanna be just like her most days. ๐Ÿ™‚ YESS IT IS!!!! I couldn’t agree more!! <333 Aww, girl, THAT HONESTLY MEANS SO MUCH that you can see my mission in what you've read so far!!!! Sometimes I worry it's not always that clear, so really it means a LOT!!! YESS!!! *pumps fist in the air* YESS IT ISS!!! *high fives* I mean, creating all those sites wasn't that fun, but hey, it gave me lots of practice. XD Plus, I don't think most people can say that about their sites. Most of the time if someone switches they only do it once not twice. XD

      • Jane

        Okay, *cough* Iโ€™ve been really busy for the last few weeks, so Iโ€™m just now getting to this, sorry. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

        I canโ€™t wait to got read it!!!!! Iโ€™m gonna go over there and read it right now!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

        Also, I noticed that you took down your Heir To His Crown thing that tells us where you are, so does that mean what I think it means?? Did you finish it???

        • Issabelle

          Oh, girl, that’s TOTALLY okay!!!! I know we’ve all been crazy busy lately, so really, no stress. ๐Ÿ™‚

          YAAAY!!!!!! I think you’re really gonna like it, girl!!!!! <33333

          Hehehehehe...YESSS!!!! I DID!!! WOOHOOO!!! I finished it Tuesday and came out with a little over 87,000 words!!! I am just SO SO SOOOO HAPPY over finishing it!!! EEEKK!!!! And, honestly, I just feel like that ending was like the best thing I've EVER written! It was just sooo emotional and climatic and E V E R Y T H I N G!!!!!!!

          • Jane

            I just read it, and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Graces questions were so neat and your answers were so much fun to read through!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I’m sure that the friend that you quoted is over the moon right now. I bet you made their day and that now they’re exploding with happiness and telling you, THANK YOU TIMES ONE HUNDRED BILLION. ๐Ÿ˜‰

            OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! ISSABELLE, THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 I CAN'T EVEN PUT INTO WORDS HOW EXCITED I AM FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERES NO WORD TO EXPLAIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Jumps up an down* *does happy dance*
            *GASP* OOOHHHH, I CANT WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure that is FANTABULOUSLY INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, now I HAVE to read it. I mean, there is no possible way I'll be able to go on in life without reading this AMAZING ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs and lots of confetti* *And Chocolate because every celebration needs it*

            • Issabelle

              YAAAY!!! I knew you’d love it, girl!!!!!! D’awwww, girl, a HUNDRED THANK YOUS!!!!!! *tackle hugs* Hehehehehehe… yes, I have a VERY strong feeling that she’s jumping with excitement. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Girl, you’re soooo welcome. But I should be the one thanking YOU for your awesome support and advice!!!!!)

              JANE THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *infinite o’s* MUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeek, girl, I cannot tell you how much your enthusiasm means to me!!! I don’t even know what to say to all of this girl, except THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down*
              YESSSS!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOU TO READ IT!!!!! I think you’re really gonna like it. Hahahahaha, yessss, now you HAVE to!!!!!! *hugs you back and gratefully except the chocolate because YESSSS every celebration N E E D S it*

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