Interview with Brooke Eller, Founder of “I’m Good, Wbu?” Podcast.
Hey, TWNers!!! THANK YOU for joining me for another post from Teen Writers’ Nook. Before we jump into today’s post, I have a few quick announcements. First, I had the honor to write an article for my awesome friend Rayna’s fantabulous magazine!!!! My article was all about my experience writing Heir to His Crown, and you can read it right here. Also, I got to guest post on my awesome friend Kayleigh Idea’s spectacular blog. The post gives you 5 Tips to Writing an ENGAGING Short Story and I highly recommend reading here. And speaking of guest posts, don’t forget to be watching my fabulous friend Victoria’s site on Monday for a guest post from yours truly going live. And one final announcement. My amazing friend, Diamond, is having her annual Camp Happy Heart on her blog and her first of many contest was a short story one. Of course I entered, and I am so honored and thrilled to present to you the winner of that contest, if you click the link right here. Hehehe, yes, I’m not telling you the winner, basically making you go check it out for yourself. I’m nice like that. XD
Phew, that was a lot. Now onto today’s post. I had the honor to interview one of my FABULOUS friends, Brooke Eller. She is the founder of the “I’m Good, Wbu?” podcast, which is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Read on if you wanna learn more about this awesome podcaster and what she’s been doing with “I’m Good, Wbu?” And if you’re interested in checking it out for yourself, then I recommend going right here. Now, onto the interview!
Hello, Brooke, THANK YOU for joining me today for this interview!!! Welcome to Teen Writers’ Nook!!!! We are SOOO excited to have you!!!!!!! So, can you start off by telling us a little bit about yourself? What do you like, what’s your future plans in life, etc.
Hey! My name is Brooke Eller, and I am a kinda old friend of Issabelle’s (we just recently reconnected!). I’m 17 years old and I love hanging out with my family and my two little doggies, Otis and Mabel! I also LOVE to read, write, and talk to other Gen-Z Christians on my weekly podcast (we’ll get to that later 🙂 ). After I finish high school, I want to major in exercise science and then pursue my Ph.D in occupational therapy so that I can help children that were born with Down’s Syndrome develop their fine-motor skills. I absolutely love people with special needs, so I can’t wait to spend my career helping them out as much as I can! Alongside being an occupational therapist, I hope that I will one day be a mom, and also that I can continue to produce my podcast.
I’m gonna start this off with a fun question first and then move from there!!
1. What’s the last book you read?
Well, considering that the last book I read was not very good (one that I would not recommend either, lol), I’ll give you my current favorite book. It’s called You Are Never Alone by Max Lucado and I COULD NOT RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH!
#2. You started up a really awesome podcast in January (eeeek, SOOO EXCITING!!). What was your motivation for that?
At the beginning of quarantine last year (2020), I was just reading all of these amazing books and observing Scripture for myself for the first time, and it really just started this passion in my soul to talk about mental health, relationships, and other things that aren’t always easy to have conversations about. I spent the rest of 2020 praying and thinking about it, and then in January of this year (2021) I released my podcast called, “‘I’m Good, Wbu?’ with Brooke Eller” to inspire our present (and future!) generations to be vulnerable and go deeper than the surface-level when they’re asked questions such as “how are you?”. Not only that, but I want to inspire other Gen-Z Christians to live for Christ wholeheartedly.
As far as the people that motivated me to start a podcast, I really just have always loved pouring into my friends, and letting my friends pour into me. So I really had a ton of great convos with friends that inspired me to start the pod. I also was blown away with the support from my friends, mentors, and family members—so they’re definitely worth noting!
3. Have you experienced any problems in starting and growing your podcast, I’m Good Wbu? If so, what did you do about it?
YES, ABSOLUTELY! Sometimes it is SO HARD to keep on creating content, which, in my case, led to burnout after like my fourth episode, haha! I just had to learn that it’s okay to rest, so that’s what I ended up doing! I took a break for a few weeks, but now we’re up and running again!
And, as far as trying to grow my podcast, (this sounds so bad, but it’s true) I DON’T. Like, I just don’t really put effort into growing my podcast, other than posting occasionally on my Instagram page ( The way I see it is: the people who the Lord wants to listen to it, will listen to it, regardless of if I try to grow it or not. I will definitely try to market it a little more in the future, but as of now, that’s not something I’m pursuing 🙂
4. What’s one thing God has taught you on this journey of beginning I’m Good Wbu?
Man, I’ve learned so many things, but the main thing has been PATIENCE.
I mean idk about you, but we have little to no patience today. Order something? BOOM, free 2-day (or less) shipping on Amazon. Research paper due? BOOM, pull out your phone or computer and find 10 sources in 10 minutes, rather than going to the library and reading 10 books for 10 days.
Being patient is so hard, but I’ve found that it not only benefits you when you’re patient, but it benefits other people as well. I think about John 13:35, and how people will know that we’re followers of Christ because of our love. Well, what is love? “Love is PATIENT, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” (1 Cor. 13:4). If you’re patient with what God did, is doing, and will do in your life, that has immeasurably more benefits than you could imagine.
My podcast has required so much patience and self discipline, but it’s so rewarding and I wouldn’t change it for anything… because even in the moments where I’m not sure what’s going on, I can be patient because I know that God is with me.
5. Do you have any big ambitions for your podcast?
AHH YES!! I would love to interview some bigger guests one day, such as Annie F. Downs, or Sadie Robertson, or Tim Tebow, or Max Lucado (I will stop before I name a whole list of Christian authors and influencers!!).
I would also LOVE to see growth in my podcast, so that I could potentially pursue it as a full-time job (or as a side-hustle) later in my life!
6. Do you have any future plans for your podcast that you can share?
Interview Annie F. Downs (HAHAHAHAH !!!)
Growth—not just audience growth, but also, I would love to see myself & my listeners grow stronger in our relationship(s) with the Lord.
Have a team that helps me produce episodes weekly
Start “extra” podcast Bible study episodes, and write Bible study books to go along with them (no promises on this one, but it’s something I would love to do!)
I’m just putting something here because I feel like there’s something else, but I can’t remember it lolll !!
7. On the more personal end, has there been anyone in your life that has motivated you to pursue your ideas such as starting this podcast and/or other dreams?
Yes, Definitely!
1- My parents
2- My mentor (if you’re reading this, I LOVE YOU EMILYANN!!)
3- My friends
4- Christian influencers on TikTok/Instagram (Elijah Lamb, Katy Paty, Collin Ellis, Emma Teachey, Max Milton, Melina Laree, etc… THEY’RE SUCH AMAZING PEOPLE!)
8. Are there any words of inspiration and encouragement you have for other teens pursuing their dreams?
You are SO VALUABLE, more than you could ever imagine. You are SO LOVED more than you can possibly fathom. You have Someone that literally died to give you life. He sees every single thing you’ve ever done and He still CHOSE to love you immeasurably. Marinate on that.
If you’re struggling mentally, reach out to someone (my email is… SEND ME AN EMAIL IF YOU EVER NEED ANYTHING!!!).
If you want to grow in your faith, make it a daily effort to get to know Him. If you can’t “make enough time” to get into the Word, then constantly be in prayer. Talk to God on your way to practice, or while you’re getting ready, or while you’re waiting in line at checkout. Let Him know that He is a priority in your life. He wants to know you, but are YOU ready to know Him?
(I am talking to myself here, but…) YOUR GRADES DO NOT DEFINE YOU. The world says success is an “A,” but God says “success is KNOWING ME!!” Keep that in mind as you approach this upcoming school year!
Check out my weekly podcast for LOADS of great advice and encouraging words! I would love for you to listen as my guests and I try to push you deeper into your relationship with Christ 🙂
THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH, Brooke, for joining me today for this interview!!!!
Thank you so much for having me!
Wow, I hope y’all enjoyed this interview as much as I did!!!!!!! If you did, make sure to let us know in the comment section below. And be sure to check out Brooke’s FANTABULOUS podcast right o’er here!!! So in the comments below, let me know: What was the last book YOU read? Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Are you interested in checking out Brooke’s podcast? Do you think TWN should have more interviews (if so, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments)? Who already feels inspired just from reading this interview? (*raises hand* meeee!!!!!) Do you like my new sign-off below? Let’s chat about it!!!!!!
And be sure to keep an eye on Teen Writers’ Nook as we have some awesome posts coming up this week, AND I’m going to be starting a BRAND NEW SERIES on June 30th!!! You don’t wanna miss it!!! 😉 That’s all for now, TWNers!!! Now I shall leave thee to make thine journey through unknown terrains (*cough* down below) to finish the quest given upon thee (*cough* leaving a comment) XD
Keep on being awesome and never stop writing,
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Ohh, love this!! Her podcast reminds me of a song i love: Truth be told by Matthew West!! It is SO good!! I followed her podcast and I hope to listen to an episode sometime this week or next!
YAAAY!!! I am SO glad to hear that, girl!!!!! *gasp* Girl, I LOVE THAT SONG BY MATTHEW WEST TOO!!!!!!!!!! *high fives* YAAY!!! I’m sure Brooke is very happy about that!!!! <333 THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by, girl!!!! 🙂
This was such an AWESOME interview, Issabelle and Brooke!!! I’ve never been into podcasts a whole lot, but I’ll DEFINITELY have to check this one out!!! It sounds AMAZING and so encouraging!!!!!! (Also, on a side note, that’s SOOO COOL how you love working with special needs people, Brooke!!! That’s something I’ve been doing that past few years at this equine therapy place and it just brings me a lot of joy helping them!) 🙂
YEESS!! TWN should TOTALLY do more interviews!!! They’re so much fun to read!! 😀 (As for suggestions…maybe you could interview people about their careers (kinda like today’s post) or…hmmm *scratches head* there’s always your charries. XD (Maybe you could do a villain instead of a protagonist?) *shrugs* Yeah, that’s all I got right now. XD But if I come up with anything else I let ya know!) Ooooh, the last book I read was The False Prince 😉 but I’m almost done with Winter in TLC! Also, your new sign off is EPIC, Issa!! I can’t wait to see what TWN has going on this week (especially with that new series)!!! 😀
Eeee THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, VICTORIA!!!!!!! Yesss, girl, you SHOULD!!!! I’m actually not super into podcasts, but Brooke’s is AWESOME!!!! It really is, girl!!!!
YESSS!!!!!!! Thanks for the feedback and I TOTALLY agree. Interviews are really fun, especially when you get to learn about new peeps!!!! (Oooo, girl, those are BOTH awesome ideas!!!!!!! I’m gonna put it on the list… yeah, TWN has a long list of posts we wanna do. 😅 oooo, you’re actually in luck, cuz I JUST got my interview with Robyn Hood on the TWN post calendar, so you should be hearing about submitting questions for it soon. I don’t know if it’s gonna be as awesome as my interview with Colin, though, cuz Colin’s well, he’s just Colin. XD) *gasp* A villain interview would just be THE COOLEST!!!!! I am DEFINITELY doing that one sometime, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise!!!!!) Awesome, THANKS so much!!!!!!!! YESS THE FALSE PRINCE IS AWESOME!!!!! Oo that’s super cool, girl!!!! Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I am SO glad you think so!!!!!! YESSS!!! It’s gonna be awesome and I am like just SO excited for my new series. *squeals and jumps up and down* THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!
Loved the interview!! It’s so nice to meet you Brook and learn about your podcast!! Your story is so inspiring!!! <33
YAAAY!!!! I am just SO glad to hear that, Chloe!!!!!!!! <333 THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!!
Grace A. Johnson
I hath completed the quest bestowedeth upon me! Anyhoooo…I LOVED THIS INTERVIEW! Brooke sounds like an absolutely fabulous person (if she’s friends with you, she has to be!) and I can’t wait to check out her podcast! What an amazing calling!!!!!
Oh, and I LOVE your new sign-off (was actually gonna mention that whilst emailing you, but didn’t, so…here I am now)! And I can’t wait for this new series!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED MORE DETAILS!
*cues the fanfare* *asks Grace to kneel and grabs super awesome sword* *knights Grace* I now dub thee, Lady Grace of Commentersville. Rise Lady Grace. XDDD EEEEEE I AM SOOOO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She really is!!!! (Lol, girl, you are TOO SWEET!!!!! That just made my day. 😊) YAAAY!!!!! I know you’ll love it!!!!!
Aww, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!! (Hehehehe I was wondering if anyone would notice my new email sign-off…However, no one said anything, so I thought I needed to clarify to everyone here that this IS my new one. Which I personally think is MUCH better than my old one. I mean, EvErYoNe does “keep writing” soooo there’s that. XD) EEEEEEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I am just SO excited for my new series, so I was hoping everyone else would be as well!!!!!!! AAAHHHAAA!!!! Well, I’ll give you a teensy extra detail. One of the posts in the series will be on a character interview that I’ve been telling the TWNers I was gunna do since November. XD)
Grace A. Johnson
The honor is mine, Lady Issabelle of Postertown! XD (Girl, I’m serious!!!) I’m sure I will!!
YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!!!! (Well, I did, I just didn’t mention! I should have, though… YES! I love this one!!!) AH! Of course!! You’ve got me all hyped up now!!! Ooh…SPOILER! Oh, I can’t wait!!!!!
Lol!! Aaah, I like the title Lady Issabelle of Postertown. I’m gonna have to use it next time. 😉 (Aww, THANK YOU!!!!!)
(Aww, that’s okay!! But I am SO glad you like it!!!! EEee THANKS!!!!) Hahaha, then my plan is working to get everyone hyped up that they HAVE to read the post when it comes out. *rubs hands together* *evil laughter heard in the distance* *everyone gives me concern looks* EEEEE ME TOO!!!!!!!
Wow this podcast sounds awesome, and you sound like a very influential and smart person Brooke!!
YAAAY I AM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO!!!!!!!!! It really is awesome!!!! (Hehehe, let’s say she is MUCH smarter than yours truly. XD)
Your very smart Issabelle!!
Awww, Trixie, THANK YOU!!!! <33
J.C. Woodbury
First of all, this podcast sounds amazing! I’ll definitely be checking it out. I love your mission for it, Brooke. I listen to only one podcast regularly – “Ask Pastor John” from John Piper at Desiring God. An awesome podcast, by the way – I highly recommend it. I was thinking recently that I really wished I could find another Christian podcast I could love just as much, so this interview came at a great time! 😀
Ooh, books! My favorite Sabbath activity is reading, since during the week I don’t have much time for it. I read two books from my summer reading list today – Permanent Rose and Caddy Ever After by Hilary McKay. Those two books are from an absolutely delightful series on my summer reading list. I’m gonna be reviewing that series on my blog in July. Highly, highly recommend!
I’m excited for all the new stuff emerging on TWN! I read your article about Heir to His Crown, Issabelle. Huge congratulations on finishing it! Congrats on the short story and your two guest posts as well. Happy Sabbath!
YAAAY!!!!! I am sooooo thrilled to hear you think so, girl!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! I know you’ll love it!!!!
Aaahhh yes, reading. Tis the second greatest invention since chocolate. XD Oooo those books sound SUPER AWESOME, Joy!!!!!!!! I’m currently *almost* done with a book on my summer reading list, Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. Aaah, that’s awesome. I will totally have to check them out and I can’t wait for your review, then!!!!!!! 🙂
EEEEE I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED!!!!!!!!! (If you couldn’t tell with the all caps and exclamation marks. XD) YAAY!!!!! I actually really enjoyed writing that article, so I get excited when someone tells me they read it and all that. 🙂 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! Honestly, I think Heir to His Crown is the best book I’ve ever written. Normally, I always feel that when I start something new, but so far I still think it’s better than my latest WIP, so this is actually a first. I have a lot of confidence in it!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! <333
OoOOooh I’m definitely going to be checking out Brooke’s podcast soon!!! I love the interview!! 💙
P.S thanks for linking to my magazine!!
OooOOooOOOoh, you should!!! It is awesome!!!! <3333 EEE THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!!
Of course, girl!!!! 🙂 Your magazine is the best!!! <333
What an AMAZING idea, Brooke and Issa! I loved learning more about you Brooke, and all the AWESOME things you have accomplished! I haven’t listened to very many podcasts in my life (which means hardly none XD) but I’ve been trying to get into podcasts and didn’t know where to start. Now I know what podcast I want to go to! Amazing job again, Brooke!
I also wanted to listen to The Next Best-Seller podcast with Madeline Bramble on TABC. Have you heard of that Issa? Ooh, the last book I read? *thinks* *thinks really hard* Aww yes, I read 100 Days of Sunlight for probably the 3rd time now? XD I want to read The False Prince again, but I don’t own the series. I REALLY NEED TO!! That’s the book I’m craving. (Wait. Can you crave a book?🤔😆) I definitely think TWN should host more interviews cause this one was SO fun to read! I feel so inspired right now too! *walks off to do something productive because I’m so inspired XD*
Ooo, yes, I have heard of The Next Best-Seller and have actually listened to some of the episodes. (I say some, cuz I tend to sometime skim things that are really long…) Aaah, I’ve heard so much about that book!!!! It sounds like such an amazing one. I’ve been watching some of the author’s youtube videos are writing, and they’re pretty good!! *gasp* YOU DON’T OWN THE ASCENDANCE SERIES?????!!!!!! Like… what is this madness!! XD Seriously, though, I feel so terrible that you don’t own the series, while I’m over here with two complete sets. *sheepish smile* *ships Alexa THREE sets of the series* *wonders what she’s gonna do with all those books* *goes over to her house and ignores the surprise looks her family is giving me* *walks into her room and grabs one of the sets* *goes back to my house and hides it even though I know I don’t really need a third set* Hehehehehe XD (Lol, YES YOU CAN DEFINITELY CRAVE A BOOK!!!!! Right now I’m really craving to read more Keeper of the Lost Cities since someone *looks at Alexa* didn’t warn me that I would be in a book hangover after reading the first one. XD) EEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH for the feedback!!!!!! Aww, I’m SO glad to hear you think so!!! I definitely hope to have more interviews!!! YESSSSS!!!!! I TOLD YA you’d be inspired. Lol, that made me crack up. XD
Oh yes! (Sometimes I do the same lol) I decided to read it and it was amazing! It did have a lot of swear words which surprised me because the author doesn’t really swear on her channel. YES, her writing videos are pretty awesome! I KNOW!! I really need to! My friend did win a set from Jennifer Nielsen on her website and got it SIGNED so I’m super jealous! What????? You have two sets!! Well that definitely shows how AMAZING they are! Oh yeah, now I’ve got the books! *thanks you for shipping me sets* Oh good! I thought I was crazy or something. XD Oh, did I forget to mention that? *sheepish smile* BUT, I’m so HAPPY YOU READ IT!! What did you think?? I hope you loved it!! My personal favorite in the series is book five! YAY! *celebrates* MORE INTERVIEWS!! Now I’m cracking up ’cause you told me you cracked up! Funny how that works, lol.
Issabelle Perry
Hahaha!!! Ooo that is SO AWESOME!!!!! Yeah, I had heard about there being swear words in the book which is why I’ve never read it. I was REALLY surprised when I heard that, too. YESS THEY ARE!!!! Oooooo that is SO awesome!!! She is really lucky, and I would sooo be jealous too. *decides not to tell Alexa about the signed copies I have* XD Hehehehe, yes, I do. Not that I really need two sets, but I’m not The False Prince’s number one fan for nothin’. XD YESSSS!!!!!!! Oh, yea!!!! *brushes off hands* *tells Alexa you’re welcome* Lol, no, not crazy. Unless we both are…. which actually is quite possible considering who you’re talking to. XD Lol, YESS!!!!! EEEEE ME TOO!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* Well, at first, I couldn’t understand why anyone loved it, but THEN it got really good and Keefe showed up and I LOOOVED DEX and Fitz annoyed me, er, sorry for anyone out there who likes him, but his sister really surprised me and I ended up really liking her. And like, I ended up reading most of it in TWO DAYS!!!! It was seriously sooooooo awesome!! AND ALL THE MAGIC TELEPATHY STUFF WAS JUST SOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!! And I really liked how Messenger build the whole world and just some of the ideas was pure genius. AND I JUST CAN’T WAIT UNTIL I CAN READ THE REST OF THE SERIES!!!! aldkjflejalkjfeklf I finally convinced my mom to get me the second book, so I shall be onto that soon, cuz man that series is addicting. You get into it and then you just can’t stop reading it!! THANKS for getting me into the series and ooo now I can’t wait until I get to book five!!!! *celebrates with you* Lol, now I’m just smirking cuz you said you cracked up over how I cracked up and it’s just really very hilarious. XD LOL!!!