LOOK LOOK LOOK what came in my email today:
I don’t know about y’all but it’s time to celebrate!!!! WOHOOO!!!!!! *jumps up and down and passes around cake, and cookies, and ice cream and chocolate and snacks*
THE SHATTERED CASTLE HAS OFFICIALLY RELEASE!!!! THE FINALE IS HERE and guys, I am sooo insanely excited to read this. (But that probably won’t be till December, cuz of having to catch up on books I have that I’ve promised to read and review and NaNoWriMo coming up soon, so just to note, don’t assume I’ll be reading it within the next few weeks, cuz I probably (sadly *sniffs*) won’t. So NO spoiling until you see my review post on TWN for the shattered castle. Then we may fangirl over it till our heart’s content. ๐ )
If you missed the entire countdown, you can check it out by using this handy dandy illuminated pink words (or in y’all’s boring language, links)
Soooo if you missed it. Yesterday, I answered trivia questions that Alexa gave me (and was totally roasted, so I would definitely check that post out if you haven’t). And today Alexa answered my trivia questions. So definitely make sure to check em out right here before continuing because I wanted to share the answers to the questions!!
*waits for you to read the post and then return*
*elevator music plays*
*sees you’re back*
Okay, so here’s the answers to the questions and we can see how many Alexa got right (and you if you chose to mentally take the trivia). I think Alexa did better than me, but in my defense, I didn’t ask questions like what was the first thing Sage said to Imogen.ย yes, I will never let you live that one down, Alexa. XDD Nah, I’m just teasing youย ๐ And I will not be saying what the question was, only the answer, so you kinda have to check out her post. (Ooo I’m so sneaky XD)
#1. Mavis Tock
#2. “Frankly, I hope Avenia destroys it.”
#3. Blue and gold!
#4. Serena appears in The Runaway King and has a teensy appearance in The Shadow Throne. Really, it’s so small, you might not even remember it, but she does appear there.
#5. Three pirate names listed in The Runaway King were Devlin, Agor, and then you could’ve said like Errick or Roden. (Yes, this was a purposefully trick question.)
#6. Mott
#7. April 1st, 2012
#8. Carchar and Tithio
#9. False
#10. Troger
Lemme know how many of these you got right in the comments below.
Now, if you are as desperate to get your hands on this book as I am, then head right over here to get it onย Amazon, or here to get it onย Barnes N Noble,ย or here to snag it onย Walmart.ย
While you’re at it, check out the genius author behind the book Jennifer A. Nielsen’sย website!!!
As a random side note: did anyone else realize the slight similarity the opening paragraph to The Shattered Castle is to The Shadow Throne? (Check out the look inside feature on Amazon, to see what I’m talking about.) I thought that was really cool since The Shadow Throne was the first ending to the series before Jennifer Nielsen extended it. All I know is, if it’s already starting to give me TST vibes from the opening paragraph, that’s a REALLY epic sign!!!!! (As a lot of y’all know The Shadow Throne is hands-down my favorite book in the series!!!!!!)
So this past week through the countdown, we’ve had discussion posts, given our predictions, tried to figure out how to convince Mrs. Nielsen to write a backstory for Mott, quizzed our knowledge on the series, seen the best memes and graphics, probably spoiled the book for a few of y’all who haven’t read it (sorry), and now we’re here at the end. Before we go any further, lemme just go ahead and give another HUGEST thank you to Alexa from A Fangirl’s Hideaway for helping me bring this coutndown back to life again. I’ll admit, I really enjoyed this week countdown more than last year, cuz I got to chat with all y’all false prince fans and had a blast getting it all together with Alexa!!!!!!!!ย
And then THANK YOU guys for sticking with us this past week and for sharing the love and excitement in this series. It’s been a joy!!!!!!!! (Seriously, it’s crazy. We’ve got like a false prince fangirl army building up over here. XD)
Soooo I wasn’t really sure what to stick into this post, so here’s a bunch of random stuff:
WOOHOOO!!!! I can’t wait to get back into this world, but I probably need to read The Captive Kingdom before that, to refresh my memory. What about you? Are you going to read The Captive Kingdom first or jump straight into The Shattered Castle? What’s your favorite quote from the series? Which one’s your favorite cover?ย I want to know all about it in the comments below.
Alright, I’ll leave ya with this awesome song to listen to as I jump out and let y’all eat your ice cream and celebrate The Shattered Castle’s release!!!!!! (If you listen to it, trust me, you’ll see why I had to include it. ๐ )
“Life has tested your resilience and strength and willpower, and you have succeeded in ways nobody ever thought possible. But the storm has never been worse, and it will either destroy you, or define you. When everything is taken from you, can you still stand before us as Jaron, the Ascendant King of Carthya?”
~Mott (from The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielsen)
Keep on being awesome and never stop writing,
~Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, letโs hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writersโ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What sheโs probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Rylie ๐
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My copy should be coming in the next few days!!!
Issabelle Perry
WOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhh, girl, that is SO exciting!!!!! *jumps up and down* Man, I just wish I had my copy of The Shattered Castle!! I hope you enjoyed the book. ๐
Rylie ๐
๐ *shares copy through the screen* (I know that’s not much help, but it’s the thought that counts, right? XD)
Issabelle Perry
*tries to take the copy through the screen but my internet is running too slow to fully process dragging the book through* XD (Hahahaha, exactly!!! It’s the thought that matters most. ๐ )
Rylie ๐
Issabelle Perry
SAGE!! I added the song to my Ascendence playlist! XD
Issabelle Perry
YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOO that’s what Imma talkin’ about!!!!! It’s a good song.
Lorelei A.
I got that email from Goodreads too and I was like EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!! Okayyyyyyyyyy that song is absomalutely PERFECT XD
For all that trivia, I was like I need to know the books more! But I was certain that Strick’s ship was the Shadow Tide and not the Red Serpent ๐XD
I’m on the last few pages of the Captive Kingdom!! *jumps up and down* SOOO many unexpected things happened omword!
My favorite quote… I can’t pick one. Nope. IT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
My favorite cover is probably the Captive Kingdom. So cool! The Runaway King comes second, because I love his sword on there, it’s just so BEAUTIFUL. ๐
*goes off to finish The Captive Kingdom*
Issabelle Perry
AAAAAHH YESSS!!!!! I really love how Goodreads sends those emails out! It’s SO convenient, plus just makes me even more excited. AAAAAAHHH GIRL YOU AND ME BOTH!!!!!!! I literally rushed to my family to show them that email. *happy sigh* It was awesome. Aaahh, girl, I know right?? When I first heard it, I was like, yessss!!! This is PERFECTION!!
Hahaahahaha, yeah, that trivia was hard. But kinda fun to test your knowledge! Hahahaaha, yesss. I thought that was a good trick question, though!
YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! But, man, isn’t that ending just soooo good. I think that was my favorite part of the book. Jennifer Nielsen knows how to write a great, gripping ending!!! *also jumps up and down* YESSS I WOULD EXPECT NOTHING LESS FROM A BOOK WITH MAH BOY SAGE!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
Hahahaaha, yes, it IS so hard. Everytime I try to pick out quotes to share from this book, I’m always like but ooo I want to use that one too!!!!! ๐
Aaaahhh yesss. The Captive Kingdom has a GORGEOUS cover!!!! I love the purple and how the lettering was done. Ooo and the map burning was a brilliant added effect! OooOOOoooOOoooOOo yesss!!! I just have this obsession with covers that have swords. XD I mean, is it possible to go wrong with a fantasy medieval novel’s cover having a sword?? Nope, it isn’t. XD IT IS!!!! ๐
Hahahahaha yessss. *longingly waits till I can get the shattered castle and read it*
WOOOOOHOOOO!! The Shattered Castle is released!!! *dances around* * celebrates* First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this countdown with me! IT WAS SUCH A BLAST!!! And for the trivia, I knew it was Mavis! I was thinking Max or something with an M but Mavis makes much, much more sense. XD Gah! I got #9 wrong. I think I mixed up Strick’s ship and Sage’s ship. Wasn’t Strick’s something along the lines of The Shadow Tide? Also, I challenge you to another trivia. But this time, we should reread all the books so we’re prepared. XD I was actually chatting with a friend about TFP today and turns out it will be two years this coming December since the last time I read book two and three. XP So if we do our studying, I’ll challenge you to a rematch. ๐ Oooh, also, I would love to see if you can get my questions right! XD But this time you can use the book. (’cause that’s how the questions were originally designed lol) I’ll be expecting answers! ๐ I love the graphics you included in your post!!!!! And the song!!! *chefs kiss* It’s perfect!!
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSSS IT ISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *also dances around* *jumps up and down* *squeals* Awwww, girl, of course. Thank YOU so much for joining in!!!! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! YES IT WAS!!!! Hahahaaha, yesss, you did!!! *high fives* Hahahaha, it’s okay, it happens to the best of us. Plus, I as purposefully tricking you by using the name of the pirate ship in The Captive Kingdom, so unless you really knew it off top your head, it’d be easy to think that ship was it. Yeah, I believe Strick’s ship was the shadow tide!! Hahahaa, challenge accepted. You name the time and I’ll be there. XD YES DEFINITELY!!!! We need to prepare first. XD *gasp* Girl, you are definitely overdue for a re-read!!!! Well, then you better get to studying. ๐ Ooooo awesome, you’re on!!!!! I’ll go look up the answers and then email it to you to see if I got them right. (Which, I’m like 99% certain I will, because even though I don’t know what the first thing Sage said to Imogen was, I know exactly where to look for it!!! XD) Awwwww THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH ALEXA!!!!!!!!!! AAAH YES I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!! I am SO glad you love it!!!!
THANKS for stopping by. <333
Sisters Three
Oh our goodness, oh our goodness, oh our goodness, we missed the entire countdown except for today…but hey at least we are here now!!! Oh, we are so excited!!! Our preordered copy is coming eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!!!!!!!!
More than I could be is like one of our favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Songs!!!!!!!! Such a good one!!!! ANd it does fit so perfectly!!!!!!!
Jump straight into The Shattered Castle….lol….mainly cause it’s only been like a month or two since we read The Captive Kingdom….so it’s still fresh!
Oooo, quotes!!!! We love quotes!!!! So many good ones to choose from…um, off the top of our heads…
“If doing what’s right makes people angry with me, then may I cause rage and fury wherever I go.” Jaron, The Captive Kingdom.
But there are soooooooooooooooo many other great ones!!!! And funny ones….lol…..
Ooo, favorite cover hmmmm, hard one….we like them!!!!!
Again, we are so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so excited to read it!!!!!!!!
Issabelle Perry
Awwww, yes, that’s too bad. ๐ Hahaha YESSS EXACTLY!!!!! And what better day to pick to stop by? (Though, if you do plan to ever read through the previous posts, I recommend the trivia. It was my favorite one to write.) AAAAHH YES I AM SO EXCITED TOO!!!!! *Gasp* What??? You girls are so lucky!!! I probably won’t get my copy till waaaaay later. *pouts* XD
WHAT? NO WAY?!! GIRLS THAT IS JUST INSANELY AWESOME!!!!!!!! I absolutely ADORE this song soooo much!!! Danny Gokey’s one of my favorite music artists too!!! See? I KNEW someone would agree. *high fives*
Oooo yesss, that’s a great idea!!! Especially cause you read The Captive Kingdom so close to its release. (Which, hey, that was a REALLY smart move on y’all’s part. I’m probably going to need to reread The Captive Kingdom before The Shattered Castle just to refresh my memory on what happened. It’s been over a year since I read it.)
YES SO DO I!!!! I once had a notebook I filled with book quotes (which was the reasoning behind having a book quote of the month).
OH my goodness YES I LOVE THAT QUOTE from The Captive Kingdom!!!!! And it honestly sounds like something I’d say. (Man, why did Jaron have to be more clever than me and think of it first. XD)
YES THERE ARE!!!!!!! Especially in The Shadow Throne. Most of my favorite quotes come from that one! SO good!!!! Hahahaha, oh, man, you got that right. Few characters have me laughing as much as Sage does!!!!
SAME HERE!!!! I couldn’t pick one when they are ALL so gorgeous!!! (And those new covers are just perfection!!)
YESSSSSSSSSSS I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!! Let’s hope it lives up to expectations!!! Man, now I just wanna go read The Shattered Castle SO Badly!
Sisters Three
Right! We did look at the trivia it was great!!!
Yeah, our copy is here!!!!!!!!! Sitting on the desk!!! So tempting but we have to move some other books out of the way before we can read it….ack! So want to dive right in!!!!
Yes, yes, yes!!! Our friend Abbi got us listening to that song and then we looked into Danny more and now absolutely love his music!!!!
*high fives*
Lol…it wasn’t on purpose…we just discovered the series this summer…lol…So it worked out great for us! (wow, yeah, it’s been a while for you….)
Lol…we have a notebook full of quotes!!!
We know…he’s so clever!!!!
Yes, us too!!!!
Issabelle Perry
YAAAAY!!!!! I’m SO glad!!!!!!
WOOHOOOO!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Hahaahhaha, girls, I feel y’all. Like, I was actually able to grab a copy of the shattered castle but I still can’t read it yet cuz I’ve gotta finish the book I’m in. *sobs* Why is the waiting so hard??? XD YES!!!! Well, I hope y’all have a fun time reading!!!!!!
WOHOOO!!!! Abbi’s got some great taste in music. ๐ Danny Gokey is one of my FAVORITE artists. Right behind Skillet, Leanna Crawford, and Tenth Avenue North. (Which, HIGHLY recommend Leanna Crawford if you haven’t listened to her yet. I think y’all would like her!!)
Hahahaahaha, yes, well it still worked out perfectly!! And lucky for y’all, you didn’t have to agonizingly wait on the fourth and fifth book like some of us. XD (Yeah, it has.)
*gasp* really? Twinsies!!! Well, I guess it wouldn’t be twinsies. Quadrupletsies just sounds weird though. XDD
He IS!!!!
Louise Taylor
IT RELEASED!!!! *screams with excitement* and Iโm already halfway through it!!!!! I know weโre not supposed to say anything yet, so I promise I wonโt, but OH! *Fink grin* I just love this series so much!!!
And yes about the army, lol, whereโs that petition that needs signed and sent to Mrs. Neilson to write more books?? *signs petition* PLEASE Mrs. Neilson!!!!! I need at least ten books. STAT! (Kidding… though not really about the amount, lol)
I did not re-read the Captive Kingdom before listening to the Shattered Castle, but the Captive Kingdom is probably my favorite cover.
And the way The Shattered Castle opens… (the first paragraph) Mrs. Neilson is a genius!!!! Iโve learned so much simply from that chapter!!!
Thanks so much Issabelle and Alexa!!! This was amazing!!!
Issabelle Perry
YESSS IT HAS!!!!! *also screams and squeals and tries and fails to keep still* WHAT??? THAT IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!! WOHOOOO!!!! Hahaha, yes, I do appreciate that, though, Louise. But, man, if it’s THIS hard to keep quiet, then I must have something pretty epic waiting for me. ๐ AAAHH SO DO I!!!! This is by far THE best series EVER!!!!
Hahahahaha, exactly!!!! *rushes off to either find that petition or just make one myself* *then hands it to Louise after signing my name* YESSSS PLEASE MRS. NIELSEN!!!!!! TAKE PITY ON OUR DESPERATION!!!!!! XD Girl, that would just make my day if we could get that many!!! (Lol, saaaame!!! Ten books would be the best!!!!!)
Hehehehehe, aaaahh I see. The excitement and anticipation got the best of you. XD OH YES!!!! The Captive Kingdom has a GORGEOUS cover!!!! I just loooove the purple color it had and the way the telescope and map looked. Definitely one of the best!!!
Girl, I will ALWAYS (or at least for a very long time in the foreseeable future) agree with you there. Mrs. Nielsen NEVER fails to leave me in awe. Like HOW???!!! Do you think she plans it that way or does it just happen by chance because she’s so in touch in with her world? Either way, IT’S AWESOME!!!!!! Wow, really? GIRL THAT IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!
Awwww, girl, you are SO very welcome!!!! Thank YOU for sticking around, reading, and commenting. You just made it ALL the more fun!!!! AWWW I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*You wondering who I am*
oops- heh-
Well, anyways, how have y’all been? WOW, I leave for a while and you guys are at 168 followers!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Same here!!!!!!! I just KNOW it’s gonna be as amazing as all the other ones!!!
Lol, what, girl, I would NEVER be wondering who you are!! How on earth could I possibly forget the incredible Shruthika???!!! That just would be impossible!
Pretty good for the most part. Life’s been really hard lately, but I’m still breathing and hanging in there so I guess that’s what matters. Hahahaha, yeah, it’s CRAZY how quickly that number has jumped. I figured it was because of Imagine’s release, so it’ll probably slow down for a while. (Either way, I’m already thinking about a celebration for 200 hundred followers XD) Awww THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!
And thank you so much for stopping by!!!!
WOw, that is SO exciting!!!!! And here I am not even having read the 2nd book. Alas. I am going to buy them as soon as I can (our library sadly doesn’t have them)!!!!!!
(Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? Is it your first?)
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEPPP I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Wut??? Oh, girl, you’ve GOT TO get to finish this series asap. *shoves books two, three, and four into Saraina’s hands* *sniffs* That is sooo sad. Maybe you can try requesting them at your library?? I think some libraries allow for that, but I don’t know about all of them. But, hey, you can NEVER go wrong with owning a good set of these books. ;P
(Well, sorta. I am aiming for the 50K word goal, but I don’t plan to go through the site for personal reasons. And, yes, this actually would be my first “official” NaNoWriMo. I did do some heavy writing last November but it was just for my own sake and wasn’t about writing a whole novel in a month. What about you?)