2022 Teen Writers' Rally

Interview with Hannah Currie // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Four

Heya, TWNers! If you’re visiting for the first time or a returning reader, on behalf of TWN, I want to say welcome and thank you for joining us for day four of the 2022 Teen Writers’ Rally. We’re inviting you to help kick-off National Novel Writing Month with back-to-back posts featuring amazing authors, bloggers, and more! Tune in every day until November 5th for new posts with writing tips, advice, and encouragement. Posts go live at 6:00 EST, and we encourage you to subscribe to Teen Writers’ Nook via email so you can receive a notification when the next post for the rally is up. (Form can be found to the right if on a computer or at the bottom of the page if on a mobile device.) And as always stay until the end of the post for information about the giveaway running through the entire event!

I am super stoked to be sharing our next author interview with the authorly genius herself, Hannah Currie!!! Hannah Currie is the author of both YA and adult Christian romance, including Heart of a Royal and Bring Her Home (published by WhiteFire Publishing)! She is bringing so many AMAZING writing tips and inspiration today I can’t wait to share. So enough chit-chat, let’s get right into it! All my responses will be in bold!

#1. To begin, can you tell us a bit about yourself, your books, and where we can find/follow you online?

Hey! I’m Hannah Currie, an Australian author who writes romance books full of hope, faith and royals. Yep, I love royals! They’re so much fun to write about because they come with so many expectations. My books are clean, though they do deal with some deeper issues like worth, mental illness, grace, brokenness, faith in hard places, and forgiveness.

You can find me online at my website (www.hannahcurrie.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/author.hannah.currie ) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/hannah_currie_author/). I’m also on a few other places but they’re the main ones.

I love books about royals, too! They’re SO much fun to read and write! And, y’all, just gonna say, you MUST read Heart of a Royal! I read it back in January, and so far it’s held it’s place in my top number two books of the year. 

#2. When did you first discover your love for writing and what inspired you to pursue it seriously?

I’ve been a HUGE reader all my life and always loved English/writing at school but never even considered being an author myself until my early twenties. I’d actually read a book in my teens about an author who got completely pulled into her work, to the detriment of her family, and decided then and there that I never wanted to be like that. So yeah, no big childhood dreams of being an author for me. I played around with stories, but that was about it.

Then one day, I randomly decided to challenge myself and see if I actually could get past the first chapter and write a whole novel. I did, and by the end of it was totally hooked. It was during that time that God placed a dream in my heart of being a published author and telling my stories—filled with His hope—to the world. I’d felt God’s calling to be a missionary when I was a young child and it was like God was saying that this—through my writing—would be how he would use me in that way.

(I wrote a longer version of this journey on my blog – here)

#3. Who or what would you say has helped grow your writing most?

Reading? Seems weird, but I think one of the biggest things that has inspired and helped my writing has been books I’ve read—and the authors who wrote them—along the way. I often write beside my favorite bookshelf and looking over at it, and knowing that every one of those books that has impacted my life was there and did so because that author didn’t give up when it got hard, gives me the courage and inspiration to keep writing.

Also, when it comes to the actual craft of writing, I’d say practise. The more I write, the better my writing gets.

These are awesome answers! Reading and writing helps SO much with growing your writing! I actually did a post recently all about that, readers, if you want to check it out here!

#4. You’ve written several Christian romance titles. I know many young writers who want to write romance into their stories but still want their books to be God-honoring. Do you have any advice on how to write romance that is fun but still wholesome, clean, and God-honoring?

I’ve never really thought about how I do this. Umm… I think a lot of how I write romance has come from what I read. I read a lot of romance that is fun but still wholesome, clean and God-honoring, so I know how it can be done really well. I also use my own experiences and what I’ve learnt from those around me to make it real. If it’s a scene that I would laugh through or swoon over or just love, then chances are someone else will too. Write what you love to read.

I also pray heaps over every one of my words—that each one of them would honor God and bring the book’s readers closer to him. I think if you’re totally committed to God and growing your own relationship with him, then the actual writing of it will come naturally.

That is great advice!

#5. What’s the best and hardest part about writing romance?

The best part is the ‘awww’ moments. I love writing those. I’m a total romance-lover and to write about two people overcoming the challenges they face to support each other and come together just makes my heart smile.

The hardest part is making the romance feel real and not completely ridiculous or unbelievable. To keep—especially the hero—somewhat realistic and not just some perfect, fairytale prince come to save the day. I want my heroes and romances to be inspiring but also relatable and real to life and how hard love actually is.

I LOVE the “aww” moments in romance. They always make my fangirl heart go crazy. And while I do love my fairytale prince characters, that’s awesome how you still want your heroes to be real and relatable. (That’s why, readers, it’s important, even in romance, that your characters have realistic flaws and goals.)

#6. What is your favorite part of the writing process?

All of it! I love drafting, editing, proofing… But also have days when I really hate all three of them (especially when it’s not going well or just really, really slow). I think my favorite moment is when I find the story’s heart. That moment when it comes together and I see the heart of the characters and the story and it comes to life. That moment is just incredible.

#7. You have a new book that was recently released, Bring Her Home, can you tell us a bit about it and what was the inspiration behind the novel?

Bring Her Home is a medieval retelling of the Prodigal Son parable, but in this case, a prodigal daughter. It was inspired both by the parable itself, and an idea I’d had for a scene many years ago (which became the first chapter of Bring Her Home). A lot of the heart of it—the main characters’ struggles and challenges—came from my own life and that of those around me.

Wow, I LOVE the idea of a medieval retelling of the Prodigal Son! That is so genius! 

#8. What is the main theme you want readers to take away from your stories?

There is always hope. No matter how hard or dark or challenging life might be at times, don’t give up, because this is not the end. There is hope, because God is working and God loves you more than you could ever know. Hang on to hope.

I just love that. What a beautiful message to impart on your readers. Not that much different than the themes in my own writings. maybe that’s why i love these books so much

#9. Do you have any advice, encouragement, or words of wisdom for teen writers who want to take their writing seriously?

Don’t give up, and don’t discount the journey. Writing and publishing books isn’t easy, and it can be a really long and lonely journey at times, but don’t discount what you’re learning and who you’re meeting along the way. God does a lot of great work in the waiting!

Amen to that! Thank you SO much, Hannah Currie for doing this interview. We loved having you here on Teen Writers’ Nook!

Australian author, Hannah Currie, loves God, family, people (in small numbers, let’s not go crazy here!) and writing. A book nerd from birth, she knows firsthand the difference a good book can make in a person’s life. Even, and especially, fiction. Her dream as a writer is to make people laugh, cry and maybe even swoon a little but mostly to remind them that no matter how dark life may get at times, because of God, there is always hope. 
I hoped y’all enjoyed the interview, readers, as much as I did! Wasn’t the answers AMAZING??!!!! If you loved this, show your gratitude to Hannah Currie by getting a copy of one of her books or adding them to your GR shelves. If you’ve already read them, leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads or recommend it to a friend! Not only is writing books hard, but trying to get your name out into a very competitive market is just as difficult. So every bit of support means so much to these authors!

WHO’S READY FOR THE GIVEAWAY TIME! *rasies hands and jumps up and down* During the rally (October 24th-November 5th) Teen Writers’ Nook is running a giveaway. Three winners will be chosen and the winners will win their choice of one of the books pictured below. (Imagine anthology is also included, though not pictured.) This giveaway is open to both U.S. and international entries!

Every post you comment on during the rally earns you an extra entry into the giveaway! To enter with this post comment below and tell me: What’s the best book with a blue cover that you’ve ever read?

Remember to tune in tomorrow for a post from the one, the only, Mary from Wild Writing Dreams! She has a fantabulous post prepared for y’all that you won’t want to miss!

Well, I don’t have any question ideas today’s post so how about y’all comment below and tell me your favorite part of the rally so far and anything else you’d like to share!!!

Keep on being awesome and never stop writing!

~Issabelle Perry

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Rylie

    Oh i’m SUPER excited to read Bring Her Home!! I LOVED the Daughters of Peverell series! The interview was awesome and i loved reading all the questions and answers!

    Did you have a book in mind with that question, Issy?? Cause ima go with… THE FALSE PRINCE!

  • Gemma

    Love the post! It was extremely helpful!
    The best book I’ve read with a blue cover would be Voyage by Camile Peters. It was such a good book and I connected instantly with her main character. Hands down one of my favorite books ever.

  • Lillianna Joy

    Mmmmm – again, love this XD Such a good reminder to WRITE WHAT YOU LOVE!!!! I recently posted on my Instagram how it’s so important to care about what you’re writing/creating because when you care, your audience will feel that and care too!!!

    Also, as a total die-hard romantic, I gotta go check out these books!!!

    Ummmm… favorite book with a blue cover… how am I coming up blank? XDXD I guess “Fugue for the Sacred Songbook” which is kinda blue ig lol (also, this is a book by Keith A Robinson and oh my word you should really just look it up to see the cover it is SO cool)

    Thanks for the amazing post again Issabelle!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      YAAAAY!!!!! I AM SO SO GLAD YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I second that, sister!!! If you don’t love what you’re writing, then what is the point in taking the time to write it? Plus, on those hard writing days, it’s only the stories you love that make it worth pushing through! YES! That sounds like an epic post!! It is SO true. Couldn’t have said it better myself!

      AAAAAAAH YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST READ HEART OF A ROYAL!!!!!!! You will LOVE Thoraben. He is my baby boy. XD

      AAAAAH I AM LOOKING UP THE BOOK RIGHT NOW TO SEE THE COVER!!!! OOOOOOOOO I do like the cover. It IS really cool!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!

      Aww, you’re SO welcome. Thank YOU for reading!!!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      *rushes off to google the book* OOOOOOOO nice cover! And that’s SO cool that it’s set in WW1. I have such a special love for historical fiction set anytime in the early 1900s. 😉 THANK YOU for sharing!

  • Lillian Keith

    “I often write beside my favorite bookshelf and looking over at it, and knowing that every one of those books that has impacted my life was there and did so because that author didn’t give up when it got hard, gives me the courage and inspiration to keep writing.”

    That’s so cool! I should take a moment to look at my favorite books and think about the perseverance of my favorite authors.

    Fantastic, interview, guys! And congrats to Hannah on her newest release!

    Oof! Is, that’s a good question *wails because decision IS. SO. HARD!* Should I do Walk Two Moons? Or the current book I’m reading, Willowdeen? Or The List which is an awesome blue…no, no. Okay, I’ve got it. I’m going with The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill as one of the best books with a blue cover!

    • Issabelle Perry

      I KNOW RIGHT!!!! I LOVE THAT!!!!!! I need to do the same thing! It’s SO encouraging to know other authors have been there too!!!

      THANK YOU, Lily!!!! Hannah Currie had some great answers!!!! YESSSSS, I second the congratulations!!!!!

      Hahahaha it seems all the questions I’m picking are so hard. XDDD I need to come up with easier questions. XD BUT I KNOW RIGHT. I HAVE LIKE SO MANY THAT I LOVE!!!!!!!! Ooooo *goes off to look at those covers* They are all soooo pretty!! I see how difficult this is. XD AAAAAH I LOVE THAT BOOK’S COVER!!!!!! I’ve never read the book but I’ve seen it going around, and I have always thought it had SUCH a gorgeous cover!!!!!! Good answer!

  • Lorelei Angelino

    Wow, I loved that and now I SO need to read her books! *hurries to add them to tbr list*

    Also, love that question! There are a lot of good books with blue covers and I can’t pick….The False Prince, The Lunar Chronicles, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, See How They Run, Wishtree, Fawkes…AHHHHHH! What’s yours?

    • Issabelle Perry

      Awww I am SOOOOO happy to hear that, Lorelei!!!!!! YESSSS YOU MUST READ THE BOOKS!!!!!! *tries to hand it to you through the internet*

      YAAAY!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! I’m glad I have finally found a good question. ;P I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!! Oooo those are all FANTASTIC choices!!!! I LOVE the covers of The False Prince, Wishtress, Fawkes, and See How They Run!!! Well, I won’t repeat the ones you’ve said, even if you DID pick all the good options. XD But I guess for me I’m going with Heart of a Royal, Prisoner at Heart, Beyond the Bright Sea, and The Lost Girl of Astor Street!

  • Mary McMinn

    I CANT WAIT to read the Heart of a Royal book! It seems so interesting! The best book I’ve read with a blue cover would be Thrawn. It is SUCH a good book!

    • Issabelle Perry

      YESSSSSSSS GIRL YOU MUST LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF IT WHEN YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!! If you love Thoraben as much as I did, we can fangirl over him. XD IT IS SUCH a great book!!! Ooooo *goes to google that book* It looks like an awesome book!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  • Corrie.S.P

    I love reading books about royals! I loved this series when I was younger called Princess Juniper. I read it like 3 times, it is a trilogy. Speaking of blue cover books “Princess Juniper of the Anju” the 2nd book has a blue cover.
    Prodigal son retelling!!! That is really creative! I do love scripture twists!
    What’s the best book with a blue cover that you’ve ever read? I can’t say the last hunger games here, although, it was the first book I thought of when reading that.
    Hmmmmmm………………………………………… A book with a sorta blue cover is Mama Makes up her Mind. I really enjoy reading that one, it is a collection of stories about childhood and this little family.
    My favorite things about these posts so far are all the different people and even though they are different the posts are all Christ Focused!

    • Issabelle Perry

      YESSSS ME TOO!!!!!! Books about royals are THE BEST!!!!! *gasp* GIRL, I know the series you’re talking about!!! I read book two in that series when I was younger and LOVED it!!!!! YESSS!!! That’s right it does!! And such an awesome cover, too!!!! Actually, fun fact. The author of the Princess Juniper series is the author of The False Prince’s literary agent! Pretty cool, right. 😉
      I KNOW RIGHT. I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!! Me too!!! They are awesome!!!
      Hahahaha, ooo I think I know the cover you’re talking about. I’ve seen a lot of people reading it. Ooo *googles the book* Ooo it does have a good blue cover!!! Very nice. I’ll have to look into the book. THANK YOU for the rec!!!! (*contiues adding books to TBR* Man, at the end of this rally, I’m gonna have like a hundred new books to check out. XD)
      Awwww, I’m SO glad you love that!!!! I love the Christ-focused part of the posts, too, so it makes me SO thrilled to hear you do as well!!!!! <3333

      • Corrie.S.P

        Awesome! I always dreamed of having my own little kingdom to run while reading those books. My cousin would not be invited to it though😉😏 If you get my drift…..
        I like how funny it is. And the book is really down to earth. It seems so real, just normal people and their experiences. I think they are true stories.
        I have a huge TBR too. But it’s in my mind. I don’t have the courage to write them all down😨😱 It would be sooooo long! That is neat about them being the agent!!
        I mean, lets get stuff strait, none of us would be here without Christ!

        • Issabelle Perry

          Hahaha, ikr. ME TOO. It’s usually the really pretty dresses that draw me in. XD LOL. Ooof, poor cousin. XD
          Aaah that is awesome!!! I love books that have a bit of humor and are down-to-earth. YESSS I LOVE STORIES THAT ARE LIKE THAT!!!!!! Oooo that’s neat!
          I knowwwww right. Oh the pains of a reader. The lack of bookshelf space, rising prices of books, and the never-ending TBR. That’s about what’ll get a reader. XD Hahaha, yeah, I feel you. I keep track of the books I want to read on GoodReads, and man, it’s hard to watch those numbers always rising. XD YESSS!!! I thought so, too!!!!
          Amen and amen, Corrie. I couldn’t said it better myself!

          • Corrie.S.P

            Who doesn’t love a princess dress?! I mean, other than silly boys😝🤣
            My cousin would suffer😈
            At least when all else fails I have my library to fall back upon. The only sucker is I have to give them back😭

            • Issabelle Perry

              I know right? PRINCESS DRESSES ARE THE BEST. LOL. Well, that’s probably for the best that the “silly boys” don’t love them. XDDD
              Ooof. Poor cousin. XD
              YES THAT IS SO TRUE. Libraries are THE best!!!!! Awww, I know right. *sobs*

  • Saraina

    EEEE!!!! I LOVED this interview!!! Writing those “awww” moments in romance is sooo much fun, I totally agree. *grins* I must read some of Hannah’s books – I think I would adore them!!! 😀

    Best book with a blue cover: On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, The False Prince, and so many others lol!!! Including Prisoner at Heart!!! 😉 😀 (I don’t think of the book covers when I think of my favorite stories, so I just stole those answers from other commenters, and of course, saw PAH in the giveaway graphic lol! They’re all so good!!)

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEK THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH SARAINA!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy you enjoyed it! Hannah Currie had some fantastic answers!!!! I KNOWWWW. They’re both fun to write AND to read. *fangirl heart melts* YES YOU MUST! I think you would REALLY like them. It seems like a book you would enjoy. I know I love them SO much!!

      OOOOOOO THOSE ARE SOME FANTASTIC CHOICES!!!!!! The False Prince DOES have an epic blue cover! Hahahaha, I know right? Neither do I. XD Hehehe stealing answers from other commenters. I’m thinking back to the francesca song thing on Lily’s site. XD You learned from the best, sister. 😉 *high fives* THEY ARE!!!!!!)

  • Mary

    Oo, yes, I totally agree that reading is such a great way to improve your writing!! And I love how these authors pray over their writing, I find that very inspiring.
    The best book with a blue cover I’ve ever read was Fawkes by Nadine Brandes!! Obviously close behind it is The False Prince 😉

    • Issabelle Perry

      YES!!!! Reading has helped me improve my craft SO much!! I love just picking up a book and breaking it down and study what the author did that worked and didn’t work! I KNOW RIGHT!!!! I LOVE THAT TOO!!!!! I also find it SUPER inspiring!!! I wished I was better at praying over my writing than I am. I LOOOOOVE FAWKES!!!!!! Thomas is my babyyyyy. Hahaha, of course. We can’t forget The False Prince. XD

    • Issabelle Perry

      THANK YOU, DIAMOND!!!! I’m SO glad you liked it!!! Hannah Currie had some fantastic answers! YESSSS!!!!! YOU MUST READ HEART OF A ROYAL. I mean, it’s a romance book, so a lot different than your usual fantasy, BUT IT IS SO GOOD.
      Thank you for reading!!!

  • Emma

    “I’d felt God’s calling to be a missionary when I was a young child and it was like God was saying that this—through my writing—would be how he would use me in that way.”………………………………..that hit deep. XD I had never thought of it from that aspect. Man, I love that. <3 And I adore it when I read an "aww" moment in romance. *grins* This was an awesome interview and I'm totally gonna have to read Hannah's books now! Lol my answer for the blue book is the same as many of the other comments….Fawkes!! TFP comes in very close behind. XD

    • Issabelle Perry

      Girl, I know right!!! That part of the interview was nothing but pure awesomeness!!! YESS!!!!! I do, too!!! It’s such an encouraging thought and really makes you feel like you can use anything, even this crazy writing dream, for God’s glory and to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth, just like a missionary does!!! I KNOWWW. ME TOO. I am such a happy fangirl mess at that point. XD YAAAY!!! I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVE IT. AND GIRL YOU HAVE TO READ HEART OF A ROYAL. I NEED TO FANGIRL OVER THROABEN WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!! FAWKES IS SUCH A GORGEOUS COVER. It’s one I just want to stare at forever. Ah, yes, TFP has a good blue cover, too!!! Though I like the new cover better than the old one, which is an absolute first since I never like it when they change covers on me!

  • Joelle Stone

    Best book with a blue cover… does my Bible count? XD I suppose that’s more teal anyway. Erm… probably On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson. Love that series. XD

  • Katja Labonté

    Books with hope as a theme are my favourite (I know I say that a lot but I kinda really mean it most right now XD). I’ve been interested in Bring Her Home since I saw it, but doubly so now… great interview by the way 🙂

    And the best book with a blue cover I’ve ever read was probably Promise’s Prayer by Erika Mathews. It was so good, and it’s also one of my favourite covers, so… ;D

    • Issabelle Perry

      YESSS I LOVE BOOKS WITH HOPE AS THE THEME TOO!!!!!!!!! *high fives* I know right, me too!!!! I have GOT to get my hands on a copy soon. Hahaha, yaaay!!! Honestly, it had the same effect on me, too. XD

      Oooo that’s awesome!!! I think I’ve seen that book going around before!!!! Hahaha, you gotta love it when a book has a good cover AND a good story!!! That’s like the best thing ever!!!!

  • K.R.Mattson

    BLUE cover? You’ve got to be kidding me!😭 HA!!!!! I found one! Testing of the Stars by P.D.Atkerson. I absolutely loved that book! So much at stake and so much we don’t know, yet just enough that it keeps us guessing!

    • Issabelle Perry

      I’M SORRYYYYY. Haha YAAAY!!!! Ooooo good choice!!! I need to read a P.D. Atkerson book!!! Aaah, yes, it sounds AWESOME!!!! Ooo I love it when the stakes are high!!! It’s so great when a book gets you so invested and has high stakes because usually they’re the hardest ones to put down!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!

  • Faith Quelle



    there’s like… Fawkes and Wishtress and A Time To Die and This Will Not Last and all the others I can’t remember but absolutely ADORED…

    *gives up and picks them all*

    Also, this advice was SOLID. Romance is something I struggle with writing, so it was great to hear this! Thank you for your words of wisdom, Hannah!!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      Um… Because it’s fun???? I AM SORRRRRYYYYYYYYYY.

      Aaah I know right. There are SO many good blue book covers. I actually didn’t realize how many blue book covers I liked until I asked this question. XD OH MY GOODNESS FAWKES IS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVORITE COVERS EVER. LOVE IT!!!! Blue must be THE cover color of choice, right. XD

      Hahaha, hey, multiple answers are definitely allowed!

      YAAAAAY. I am SO happy you enjoyed it!!!!!! Oooof, I FEEL you. It’s so hard to make it fun and exciting but also realistic. YES!!! Thank you for reading!!!!!

  • Sarah Twilight

    I too love writing and reading about royals! Such a good blog post! I love the idea of a parodical son retelling!!! Also, I love your enthusiasm for your craft.

    • Issabelle Perry

      YES ME TOO!!! There’s just always something SO much fun about reading about royals! Especially when there’s a hot prince around… XD THANK YOU!!! I’m glad you enjoyed it!!! I KNOW RIGHT. ME TOO!!!!!! The book looks amazing! Thank you for reading!!!

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