Introducing my BRAND-NEW series: Write a Book with Me
Heya, TWNers! Wow am I excited to get into today’s post, but before I do, I think it’s time to announce the winners for TWN’s first-ever Teen Writers’ Rally’s giveaway!!!!! Three winners have been chosen and will be getting an email with details of how they can claim your prize. If you are one of the winners, please do reply within a timely manner. The winner will get to choose his/her pick of one of the books pictured below.
And the three winners are…
Well, not quite the drumroll I was meaning, but yeah, that works too.
Winner #1: Corrie S.P.
Winner #2: Saraina
Winner #3: Faith Quelle
Congratulations to all the winners, and thank all of you SO much for making this rally simply amazing!!! Y’all’s support for this site means so much to me and the Team at Teen Writers’ Nook! Winners keep an eye out in your inbox for an email on how to claim your prize!
Alright so as I said in the beginning of the post. I am SO excited for today’s post! I am kicking-off a brand-new series here on Teen Writers’ Nook. If there’s one question I get a lot, it usually is something about my writing process. When do I start the second draft? How do I edit? What is my brainstorming process like? I don’t know about y’all, but when I first got serious about writing years ago, I was clueless what exactly to do. I didn’t know anything about beta readers and outlining and really basic plot structures. I made a lot of mistakes as I tried to figure out how exactly do I start and finish a novel that is actually good! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a mentor? Someone to help guide me through the process? If you’ve ever felt that way, then I have good news! My new series is titled Write a Book with Me. After finishing edits on Project: Defender weeks ago, I’ve been really excited to start my next project. As I was thinking about it, I thought why not turn this into a whole series on TWN? I’m going to take y’all through the entire writing process as I write Project: Believer, and I hope you’ll join along!
We’ll be talking about brainstorming, first drafting, editing, beta readers, and so much more!!! Every important step that comes in creating a novel we’re going to explore together!!!
While I am going to be keeping most of what Project: Believer is about a secret like I did with my WIP before this, I will tell you a snippet of what the project is about. Project: Believer is a adult Christian historical thriller novel that is set during the late 1920s in the Soviet Union. I am very excited for this project because I feel like this is a very unique historical setting. You don’t find many books that show life inside the Soviet Union. It is kind of a sequel to Project: Defender because it follows a side character from that novel. However, Project: Believer is set 11 years later from when Project: Defender ends, and both novels can stand on their own. I had actually never intended to write a sequel to Project: Defender, but there was this one side character who was just demanding his own story and wasn’t going to leave me alone until I wrote it. So here I am. You can check out the Pinterest board for it too.
The first post in this episode, I am aiming, Lord willing, to publish in two weeks so keep a check back on Teen Writers’ Nook. We will be talking about researching dos and don’ts! While researching applies to any genre, it will be a great post to check out if you’re a historical fiction novelist or writing a book that requires extensive research! I hope to see you there!
So how’s NaNo going for those who are doing it? Does your WIP require research? What’s one topic you want me to cover in the book-writing process? Tell me all about it in the comments below!
Until the next post!
Keep on being awesome and never stop writing,
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Vanessa Hall
Hold up. Hold up. Who is this book about? *wracks brain*
Because this sounds like a book I have to read!!
Issabelle Perry
Hehehehe I shall give you a hint. It’s about a certain guard from Project: Defender whose name was Rodion before I changed it. ;P He just had this whole story that was calling me to write. I knew from where I left him at the end of Defender that I would have to explain whatever happened to him.
AWWWWWW, girl, that just… that just means SO much to me!!! THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
Ooh I love the Pinterest board! So much intrigue 😃
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEEK THANK YOU SO MUCH VICTORIA!!!!!!! I am SO glad you liked it. I spent far too much time on it. XD
Joelle Stone
This sounds so cool!! Definitely looking forward to it!!! 😀
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEK THANK YOU SO MUCH JOELLE!!!!!! I am SO thrilled to hear that!!!!
Lillian Keith
Congrats to Faith, Saraina, and Corrie!
Eek! What a cool idea, Issabelle! Can’t wait to read your next post 🙂
Issabelle Perry
Awwww, girl, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!! I hope you’ll enjoy it. 🙂
Liz Boyle
Sounds like an awesome blog seriesl! Looking forward to it!!!
Issabelle Perry
Yaaay THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I am SO glad you think so!!! WOOHOO YES!! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEEK GIRL THANK YOU SO MUCH. YOUR EXCITEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! It just means so much to me that you think so!!! YESSSSS I CAN’T WAIT EITHER!!!!!! I hope it lives up to expectations!!!
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
YES!!! <3333333333333333333333333333333
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
Oh, wow this sounds super exciting! I can’t wait!
I’m doing NaNo on the YWP and got behind to the point that I had to bring my word count down by 20k, so yeah. My word count goal will probably be around halfway through the story. I was sick at the beginning of the month and then had a dance convention that always sets me back, but all the days I missed after that are on me.
My WIP probably needs some research… but I didn’t realize that before I started writing, so I’ll do that in between the first and second drafts…
And EDITING! I’ll take anything about editing I can get, given that I’m moving into edits in January for a story I wrote last spring and the only things I’ve ever edited before is a short story. I have Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel, so that’ll probably be a big roadmap guide for this.
Issabelle Perry
EEEEK THANK YOU SO MUCH ELLIE!!!!!!!! I am SO happy that you’re excited!!!
Ooof, I feel you, sister. Sometimes life just happens and you have to do what you got to do. Hahaha, well, at least you STILL have better reason than I did when I attempted NaNo last year. I just didn’t feel like working on my story, but I did get halfway(ish) so it’s better than nothing, right? And what matters is that you worked on SOMETHING even if your accomplishments weren’t as much as you had hoped. Every accomplishment is still and accomplished, and I think you did fantabulously!!!! Keep going, sister!!!
Aah nice! Well then I hope my post will be able to offer some help in the researching area!!! Sometimes you don’t realize what exactly you need to research until after the first draft and things become a bit clearer in your story. =)
Hahaha that’s awesome!!!! Hopefully I’ll be able to give you something awesome on editing soon then!!! Ooo good luck on the edits for your story. YOU CAN DO IT. Ooo, girl, I feel you! Actually, it was reading Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel (which I haven’t finished yet, but I’ve gotten pretty far in it) that taught me a LOT about editing, so I’m sure it’ll be a big help for you too!!! And honestly, overall, editing is just like writing a novel. Every author has a different process they go about it, but what matters is that you get there. 🙂
Thank you so much!! That was so inspiring and helpful! I’m definitely going to keep going on this novel thru December, but not every day(Sundays I just. want. downtime.)
Issabelle Perry
You’re SO welcome, sister!!!! Awww, girl, I am SO thrilled to hear it that!!! WOOHOOOOO YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!!! GO ELLIE GO!!!! *waves pom poms and attempts to do a cheer dance* That sounds like an AWESOME plan, and I feel you about the Sundays. You just need a day to chill after those busy, crazy and sometimes stressful weeks. I actually think that’s a good idea to make sure to set time aside to break on your novel. 🙂
Lorelei Angelino
Congrats, winners!!!!
Eeeeep, I am sooooo excited for this new series!!!! I admire the amount of research that you put into your stories. And GIRL that Pinterest board is amazing and so aesthetic!! 😍
Something that I’d like you to cover is…plotting. (This pantser needs some help. XP) How much plotting do you do? What tools do you use?
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEK THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH GIRL!!!!!! That just makes me SOOOOOOO happy to hear!!!!!! AWWW, girl, you are so sweet. THANK YOU!!!! I’m a bit obsessive honestly, but I appreciate it. 😉 AAAAAAH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! That makes me SO happy to hear that, especially cause I spent probably too much time on it. XD
OOOOOO that is a GREAT area of writing to cover!!!! I will make sure to get a post about plotting together just for you!! It’ll probably be one of my early ones in the series, so keep an eye out for it. (Hahaha, as a fellow pantser, I feel you. But good news is that learning to plot even as a pantser really isn’t that hard!!!) And I’ll make sure to cover those questions in my post. THANK YOUUUU!!!!!
Saraina Whitney
AHHHHHH!!! So excited to have won!!! And congratulations to Faith and Corrie!!! XDD I can’t WAIT for the new blog series you have planned!! I know it’ll be fantastic!! (And super helpful since I’m writing historical fiction too! 😉 😀 )
Issabelle Perry
YES CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You deserved it!!!!!! Awwww THANK YOU SO MUCH, SARAINA!!!!!!!!! <33333 I hope it'll live up to expectations!!! (OOOOO FELLOW HISTORICAL FICTION NOVELIST!!! *high fives* Well, then I think you will definitely enjoy this!!!)
Aaaah this is such an exciting series! I can’t wait to hear more about this novel as you do this series. Perhaps it will motivate me to work on my own novel…which is not going as smoothly as I’d have liked. But oh well…
Project: Believer sounds so good! Project: Defender sounded awesome, so I have no doubt this one will be good. I wish you luck with plotting and drafting and editing!
BTW…congrats to all the winners!
Issabelle Perry
AAAAAH THANK YOU SOOO MUCH DIAMOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you will enjoy it!!! Awwww, THANK YOU!!!! I have SO much I want to share about it!!! Aww I’m sorry to hear it’s not going quite as plan. It’s crazy how much that happens to us writers. Oooooo then I DEFINITELY hope it will give you some motivation and inspiration! YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!! *sends motivating chocolate*
AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH. That just means beyond words to me!!!! AWWWW THANKS!!!!!! *beams* You’re so sweet!! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!! I need it, lol. XD
Isabelle Yoshida
I just found this site and this looks like the perfect thing for me! I’ve been working on writing this one series for over two years now and still can’t understand all the different processes that come with this. My stories occupy my thoughts 24/7, and I can’t wait to hear all the notes and tricks you have to help. I already saw the seven questions you had in this series about character development and can’t wait to expand upon them! Also, I love Jesus with all my heart as well and hope he makes your day great!
Issabelle Perry
Hey, Isabelle! *waves* Welcome to Teen Writers’ Nook! I’m so glad you’ve found us here!!! Oof, I definitely feel you on that. I’ve been writing for almost eight years now and often times, I still feel like I have no clue what I’m doing, but I hope that we’ll be able to help you in whatever way we can! Haha, it sounds like your characters are living rent free in your head then.😉 Thank you so much!! You know, this comment has actually got me thinking back to this series and is already inspiring a new post idea so maybe you’ll be seeing something new from the series very soon. =) That’s awesome! Glad you found that post and it’s already starting to help you out!!! Amen to that, sister! Jesus is the absolute best! *high fives* I hope He makes your day great as well!
Isabelle Yoshida
I’ve been into writing since I was around five years old. I still remember when I was so small, the kitchen chairs were like tables for me, and I was quickly finishing up my first book for my older sister as she returned from church camp. It was three pages long, each with a simple sentence and a messy drawing. Since then, I promise I’ve grown to write more complex stories. It took until last May for my father to finally realize I was into writing after a teacher said something about it. No one in my family could believe how he could have missed that. I’ve been carrying notebooks everywhere, constantly talking to my sisters about it, drawing the characters, and even talking about how much I like the protagonist’s name. My brother could even name the series and I didn’t tell him much about it since he was off in college. It’s been almost a decade since my first story for my sister and my father found out just last week what my stories are about. Most of my characters are based on real people I know or interact with, so I’m currently trying to develop each of their characters as a Christmas gift.
Issabelle Perry
Hi, Isabelle, I apologize for the delayed response. Don’t know where the time’s gone, lol! I think you have such an incredible story in how you found your love for writing, and I love how you are able to share that with your sisters. (I instantly related to that as I always talk about my stories to my own sisters constantly.) I’m so thrilled for you that you’ve been able to share about it with your family, such as your father, more and more lately, and I hoped that you were able to develop those characters by Christmas. I’m cheering you on with your writing!