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Am I leaving Teen Writers’ Nook? (Help me launch my new blog!)

Yes, I am finally doing it. I’m starting a new blog. And honestly, I thought it wouldn’t happen this soon. I always thought I’d wait a few years and get closer to publishing novels before I started a personal blog. But, alas, it’s happening now. I’m not really sure what exactly made me move forward with this. I guess it was mostly a lot of thinking and praying and post ideas that I don’t think fit on TWN that pushed me forward with this. And so I got to work on designing a new site which has been ready to go since February. But the reason I haven’t launched it yet is because I wanted to wait until I could get a blog tour planned. Which I now have planned, yay!! But before I go further, I want to share a really quick update on my Redbubble shop’s progress . . . .

Updates on the Redbubble shop

I want to say thank you again to everyone who filled out the Redbubble survey!!! Your feedback was fantastic, and I’ve already been working on ideas for product designs. As of now, I have one sticker design and four color variations of it ready to go!


Now, I’m sure you’re wondering: am I leaving Teen Writers’ Nook? And the answer isss . . .Β 


I apologize if I scared you, though. Today’s post title was Issabelle’s idea, and she thought it would be great clickbait.πŸ˜‰

With that aside, it’s time I address the main reason for today’s post! If you’re interested in helping me launch my new blog and participate in the blog tour, then I have a sign-up form for you right here! The blog tour is going to be the first week of July. So if you don’t want to post in the tour but want to follow along to read the postsΒ (and maybe enter a giveaway), then make sure to mark your calendars!

I recognize that this is an incredibly short post . . . . But I’m not sure what else to say, lol. Um, how about some questions?!

Are you excited for the blog tour or the new blog’s launch? What is your favorite post you’ve read from me? Pineapples or no pineapples?Β Yeah, that’s a really random question. XDD

~ Katherine Perry


  • Emma

    GIRL!!!! I have been waiting for this day for a long time! *laughs* (sometimes I would randomly remember and wonder when you were going to announce it XDD). But seriously, I’m super happy you’re doing it, and I’m so excited for the blog tour and for it to launch!! Favorite post of yours?! Ahh there’s so many! But I’ve really been liking the post series on names you recently did, those were super fun and helpful! As for pineapples? I. Love. Pineapples. XP

    • Katherine

      Ah, I’m glad it has finally come then, so you don’t have to wait anymore!πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰ (Haha, sorry I kept you waiting so long. XDD) Awww, thank you so much, girl!!!! You’re so sweet! *hugs* Ah, thank you!! I’m so happy to hear that the name idea series was fun and helpful!!! (I should have done those posts a long time ago, LOL.) Eee, yes!! *high-fives* I love pineapples too!! πŸ˜‰

  • Lorelei Angelino

    *heart stops*
    *jaw drops*
    KAT YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO MEEEEE (But seriously it reminds me of that April Fools’ post Izzy did XD)

    That is sooooo exciting that you are launching your own blog!! So proud of you, girl!! *hugs* <3333 I cannot wait to see it!

    And I'd have to say either no pineapples or just pineapples on pizza. (I know, right? Who am I?) XP

    • Katherine

      I’M SORRRYYYY! (Tis a pity that clickbait titles come with a price.πŸ˜† Haha, ah, yes! I see how similar it was to her April Fools post. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in the blogging business. You sometimes have to trick your readers . . . . XDD)

      Aww, thank you so much, Lore!!! Aw, you are so sweet! *hugs you back* <3333 Eee, thank you! I can't wait for you to see it too!! πŸ˜€

      Nice! Ah, I have yet to try pineapples on pizza, but I really want to!! Have you ever tried pineapples on ham? It's really good! (Haha, at least you eat pineapples with something. XP)

  • Lillian Keith

    Yes to pineapples (especially on pizza XD.) And YAY!!! That’s so exciting you’re starting a blog, Katherine!!! Congratulations! *showers confetti everywhere* (…don’t worry, I’ll have my assistant clean that up *lol*).

    • Katherine

      I second that! *high-fives* πŸ˜‰ (Except I still need to try pineapples on pizza, lol.) Aww, thank you so much, Lily!! It makes me happy to hear you’re excited!!😊 Thank you!! *twirls in confetti* (Haha, that is much appreciated. XD I’ll give your assistant some chocolate for her work. XP)

  • Ellie

    Congratulations on the new blog, Katherine! That’s so exciting! I can’t wait to see what it’s like, and I’m super excited for the blog tour! I think my favorite post by you is probably either your writer’s block post from the Teen Writer’s Rally or you character name posts, which were SUPER helpful!

    • Katherine

      Thank you so much, Ellie!!! Aw, that makes me so happy to hear!!😊 I hope you like the new blog!<3 Awww, I'm glad you liked those posts and that you found them helpful!! This brightens my day! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!<3

  • Breanna πŸ’š

    Ha, you got me with that title! Ooh, blog launchβ€”exciting! All your posts are helpful, but your recent name ideas posts are pretty nifty. Also, I see nothing wrong with having pineapples on pizza, but I might be a hypocrite, considering the last time I ate a pizza with pineapples was eons ago. πŸ˜‚ I’ll be signing up for that blog tour of yours!

    • Katherine

      Hehehehe, so glad I did!😏 Eee, yay, I’m glad you’re excited!!! That makes me happy!!!<3 Aw, I'm so glad you liked those posts and found them helpful!!😊 This makes my day! Haha, I'm with you! Pineapples on pizza sounds really good, and I totally want to try it sometime! And hey, since you at least ate pineapples on pizza, you are definitely not a hypocrite in my opinion. πŸ˜‰ Aww, thank you so much, Breanna, for signing up for the blog tour!!<333 It truly meant so much to me!

  • Rylie

    EEEEEK you’re starting your own blog!!!! I’m so excited!!!! *hugs* I cant wait to see where you go with this redbubble shop and a blog!

    • Katherine

      EEEE, yes!!!! After planning it for a while, I’m finally doing it!!! πŸ˜€ Aww, yay!!! That makes me so happy to know you’re excited!!!😊 *hugs you back* Awww, girl, you’re so sweet!!!<333 Thank you for your support and being such a wonderful friend!<3

  • Victoria Crooks

    EEEEK!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON STARTING A BLOG!!!!!! I can’t wait to see it and I’m so excited for the blog tour!!! Although YES, Issabelle’s title idea did scare me for a minute. *raises eyebrow at her* XDD At the same time though, I SO get it because I’m always tempted to (and sometimes do *cough cough*) use clickbait lolol. It’s a love/hate relationship kind of thing.. *sighs* BUT ANYWAY, I’m SO SO SO happy for you and I sure am glad you aren’t leaving TWN!! πŸ˜‰

    • Katherine

      AWW, THANK YOUUU, GIRL!!!!!!!! *hugs* Awww, yay, your excitement means so much to me!!!😊 I hope you had fun in the tour, and thank you so much for helping me spread the word about my blog!! Ah, I apologize that the title scared you. But at least it achieved my goal, hehe.😜 Haha, yes, clickbait is so tempting. Ah, the problems of bloggers. XDD Aw, thank you SO SO much, V!!!<33 Yes, I'm glad I didn't leave either!πŸ˜‰

  • Kimberly Perry

    I am so happy that you have started a new project in your life that’s all yours. I am equally glad that you are not leaving TWN. I think both projects bring out the best in you.!!

    • Katherine

      Aw, that’s nice of you to say! I’m so happy that you’re so happy! It’s definitely an exciting and new avenue of my life. I hope you like the new blog and enjoy reading the posts!! Aw, I’m glad you’re happy with my staying here!<33 Awww, that is so sweet of you to say!!😊 *smiles super big* THANK YOU!!! *hugs*

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