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The Once Upon a Time Book Tag

Once upon a time . . .

I found this tag from Rhys-Marie’s blog, and upon reading it, I instantly knew I wanted to participate! After some digging around, I found out that this tag’s creators are Diamond Stone and Merie Shen. (Which was a funny story because my first thought was to tag Diamond when I did this tag since I knew she liked fairy tales. But now that I know she actually created the tag, I figured I couldn’t tag her for the tag she created. XD)

De Rules:

1) Thank the person who tagged you. 

I wasn’t tagged (that I know of anyway XD), but thank you, Rhys-Marie, for doing it! And thank you, Diamond and Merie, for creating it!

2) Use the tag graphic above (optional).


3) Name a book for each of the following 12 categories.

Proceed to read the post. 😉

4) Tag as many people as you like (or everyone)

Proceed to read the post. 😉

The questions/prompts:

1. Cinderella—a book that changed your life:

The Bible. It taught me the truth, saved my life, and gave me a reason to live. I know I wouldn’t be who I am without it.

Outside of the Bible though, Fawkes by Nadine Brandes changed my life in the sense that it inspired me to seek the truth which was an important theme in this book.

2. Sleeping Beauty—a book that took you forever to finish:

Little Women . . . part 1.

Yeah, it took me a year to read Part 1 of Little Women. But to be honest, I was reading other books at the same time. Otherwise, if I was just reading Little Women, I wonder how long it would have really taken me to finish it.

3. A Thousand and One Nights—a book you couldn’t stop reading:

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen is one of the best that come to mind. It’s fast-paced with fantastic character development, and once you start reading, you can’t stop.

4. Little Red Riding Hood—a book you recently read in an unfamiliar genre: 

I’m currently reading A Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden. It’s adult Christian historical fiction, and, if I remember right, the only books I’ve read in that specific genre are Held Captive and Prisoner at Heart by Grace A. Johnson, Love of a Father by Joy Calle Martinez, and The Spice King by Elizabeth Camden. I can literally count those books on one hand if that tells you how “unfamiliar” the genre is to me. XD (Oh, and I’ve read one of Issabelle’s books in that genre. Does that count?)

5. The Wild Swans—a book with your favorite sibling relationships:

I’m sure I have several favorites, but the book that comes to mind right now is The Spice King (or Hope and Glory Series) by Elizabeth Camden. (I’m currently reading the series so it’s fresh in my head.) But anyway, I instantly fell in love with the sister and brothers of this series, and they are my favorite characters in the books as well!

6. Snow White—a book filled with beautiful prose:

Held Captive by Grace A. Johnson. Y’all, Miss Johnson always has the most prettiest prose in her books! If you haven’t read anything by her, please give one of her books a try!

7. Rapunzel – a book you procrastinated on reading after buying:

Uhh, pretty much every book I buy. XD When I get new books, it takes me forever until I read them. It’s not intentional, it just happens that way.

8. The Little Mermaid – a book that took you on a magical journey:

Any fantasy book I read?? I read a ton of fantasy, soooo . . . not sure I can pick one book for this.

9. The Frog Prince – a book you’d like to turn into a frog because you hated it so much:

I don’t hate many books, but one I remember reading about 7ish years ago that I did not like at all was Pi in the Sky by Wendy Mass. It’s been so long since I read it, so I can’t remember the exact reason why I didn’t like it. I just remember that I never wanted to read it again.

10. Peter Pan – a book that reminds you of your childhood:

The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker. This was a book I fell in love with when I was younger, and because of it, I read other Frog Prince retellings. I also feel like that book is what led to me loving fairy tale retellings in general.

11. The Goose Girl – a book that you had low expectations for, but ended up loving:

Both Smells Like Treasure and Smells Like Pirates by Suzanne Selfors. I read the first book in the series, and I did enjoy it but not nearly as much as the second and third books. I ended up loving the second and third books so much that they became some of my favorite middle grade books!

12. Hansel and Gretel – a book that made you hungry:

I read the first book in the Cupcake Diaries series once, so maybe that one. Other than that, I can’t think of anything else, lol.


Rose from Rewrites with a Faerie Pen

Saraina Whitney

Emma from The Book Dragon’s Alcove

Victoria from Soli Deo Gloria

Corrie from Miraculus Homeschool

And anyone reading this who wants to participate!

The questions again so that you can easily copy them. 😉

Cinderella—a book that changed your life
Sleeping Beauty—a book that took you forever to finish
A Thousand and One Nights—a book you couldn’t stop reading
Little Red Riding Hood—a book you recently read in an unfamiliar genre
The Wild Swans—a book with your favorite sibling relationships
Snow White—a book filled with beautiful prose
Rapunzel – a book you procrastinated on reading after buying
The Little Mermaid – a book that took you on a magical journey
The Frog Prince – a book you’d like to turn into a frog because you hated it so much
Peter Pan – a book that reminds you of your childhood
The Goose Girl – a book that you had low expectations for, but ended up loving
Hansel and Gretel – a book that made you hungry

Have you read any books I mentioned? What was the longest you spent reading a book before? Any genres you don’t read as much? I can’t wait to hear from you!

~Katherine Perry


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