Breaking News from the Book World,  Katherine's Posts

Tell Me You Love Me Turns 1!!!

Can you believe it’s Tell Me You Love Me‘s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY???!! Yeah, neither can I. XD Time flies so fast! But the one year anniversary is here, and honestly, I’ve spent pretty much all of January reflecting on how my January and first half of February of last year were for me. It was an interesting and challenging season of life for me this time last year due to the fact that I had a minor knee injury and a college class cancelled, leaving me confined to the couch (because I could barely stand for most of that time and my knee was in a lot of pain) with nothing to do. Well, nothing that I was required to do anyway, not even chores because of not being able to stand very well. (Since I was confined to the couch, it was good that the rest of my college classes didn’t start until the middle of February.) And in thinking back to my situation last year, I kinda miss it. The knee injury may not have been fun and not having that college class during January last year strangely did leave me feeling like I didn’t have anything to wake up to without it, but I’m so thankful that during that unexpected and often frustrating time, I was blessed with the opportunity to focus solely on celebrating Tell Me You Love Me‘s publication and promoting its release. That time on the couch with my knee propped up I spent interviewing Saraina Whitney’s characters from her short story, “To Be Loved,” having my own characters answer Saraina’s interview questions for them, post a celebratory blog post, and make a story trailer for “He Wanted My Heart.” I had fun doing those things for this anthology, and now a year later, I look back and remember the good that came out of my frustrating situation.

So now, I am so excited to say that my short story, “He Wanted My Heart,” and Tell Me You Love Me are turning 1!!!! I have such fond memories of working on Clarissa and Greyson’s story and their publishing journey that I miss working on it, but I am happy that their story is available for anyone to read. And I hope that readers enjoy their story as much as I do. I still would like to come back to Clarissa and Greyson’s world sometime with a new story, especially Adrian’s story. I’m not sure when that will be at the moment but hopefully sometime this year.

Anyway, it took me a while to decide how I wanted to celebrate this anniversary. But a weekish before when this post goes live, I decided on hosting a giveaway to celebrate. I’ll share giveaway details at the end of this post, but before I get into that, I’d like to let y’all know about a special sell Issabelle is having for her Christian romance novelette, May We Make Them Proud. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the May We Make Them Proud ebook will be FREE from Feb. 14 through Feb. 17 2024!! So if a short, clean romance is something you’re interested in reading, click the green button below!

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And now for the giveaway . . .

So about that giveaway I mentioned . . . . *wink wink* To celebrate the anniversary of “He Wanted My Heart” and its anthology’s publication, I’m giving away a SIGNED copy of Tell Me You Love Me (making this my first signed book giveaway!), a cute stuffed gnome decor (perfect for sitting on a bookshelf or wherever else you want to put it!), and some stickers that fit “He Wanted My Heart”‘s aesthetic. 

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To enter: comment below and tell me either your favorite romance story or your favorite fairy tale character (because I couldn’t decide which question to choose, so I’m sticking with both and giving you the option for which one you want to answer XD). I can only accept US residents for entrants though (I’m sorry to those of you who are international.). Also, make sure you comment under an email I can reach you by if you win. If you’re under 18, please ask parent permission before entering. And finally, this giveaway will end on February 22nd at midnight EST.

Thank you so much for joining me today in celebrating “He Wanted my Heart” and Tell Me You Love Me‘s anniversary!!!! I’m very proud of this short story and the collection it’s in, and it means so much to have you here!<3 I hope you have a blessed day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

~Katherine Perry


  • Cate VanNostrand

    Okay first of all…CONGRATS KAT!!!!!! THAT IS SO AMAZING! 😀
    Okay, I grew up on fairytales, so picking one is SUPER hard. But I’d have to go with Cinderella, for her courage and her kindness to her family and extended family.
    My favorite romance story is Mansfield Park, and I think it’s because of the amazing case study on character motivation, and how everyone has a vice that most of them turn to. Also, I love the best friends to lovers trope and the childhood sweetheart trope.

    • Katherine

      I feel ya, girl. I always have a hard time picking favorite fairy tale characters as well.😉 Oooh, I LOVE Cinderella!!! Those are amazing reasons to choose her as a favorite!
      Oh, cool! I really need to read Mansfield Park. It’s sounds really good, and I love those tropes!
      Thank you for entering the giveaway!

  • Lorelei Angelino

    Woohooo! 🥳 💖 🎉 EEEP this is so excitingggg!! (Awww girl I didn’t know you hurt your knee! 💕) my favorite romance is probably Jane Eyre, but Sense and Sensibility and 100 Days of Sunlight are also so good… Ahh I can’t choose!! *reminds self that this isn’t a life-changing decision*

    • Katherine

      Eeee, yes!! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already! (Yeah, it wasn’t fun, but thankfully it’s a whole lot better now.)
      Ooh, cool! I haven’t read any of those, but I’m adding them to my tbr now! Choosing a favorite is always so hard, but it’s a good thing it isn’t a life-changing decision.😉
      Thank you for entering the giveaway!

  • Saraina

    Ack, that’s such an exciting giveaway!!!!! Congratulations on “He Wanted My Heart” officially turning one!!!!!! <3 (That character interview we exchanged was SO. MUCH. FUN. 😊💖)

  • Corrie.S.P

    Oh my goodness! Has it been a year already?!?! Time does fly! *watches time fly for a few moments, realizes that it will keep flying no matter what I do*

    I don’t have a favorite romance, mostly because I’m not a huge fan of it in general, but I do love when I’m reading amurder mystery and the detective plays matchmaker between two people or two suspects fall in love. Not counting if one of them is the murderer. I only root for em if I like em😂
    My favorite fairy tale charachter is probbably the princess from the six/seven/whatever telling ur reading swans. Dang, that girl had to go through so much, but she stuck it out. I’d never really thought about it before, but this made me think about her.
    There is also a really neat retelling of that story called Six Crimson Cranes that I read a while back, I liked it a lot. Told a friend and she went crazy over it. I’m a proud book reccomender now😁

    Question, how does the giveaway for May We Make them Proud work? I recently made an amazon account and got kindel, but Idk how to get boks there. Does it only work if I have a kindel unlimited account?

    Congratulations once more on a whole year!!!🥳🪩💃🪅 (the pinyata is filled with heart shaped chocolates😏)

    • Katherine

      It sure does! *watches time fly with you* To bad it won’t slow down.
      Thank you!!!

      Ooh, I love murder mysteries!! Aah, you’re right–it’s so fun when the detective plays matchmaker!
      Ooh, cool!! That princess sounds like an amazing character!! I don’t think I’ve ever read that fairytale or any retellings of it before, though now I would like to. I’ve also never read Six Crimson Cranes, but I just looked up the blurb for it and it sounds SO GOOD! Aaah, I’m going to have to see if my library has it!! Thank you for mentioning it!! “Proud Book Recommender” should be your official title.😉

      You do not have to have a Kindle Unlimited account to get the free ebook for May We Make Them Proud or even if you wanted to get other ebooks. (Usually without Kindle Unlimited you have to pay for ebooks.) When you click the link in this post and it takes you to the Amazon page, underneath where it says “Kindle Unlimited// Read for Free” there will be a button that says “Buy Now with 1-Click.” If you click that button, you can get the free ebook without the Kindle Unlimited account. Then in the Kindle app, the book should appear in your library. I hope that helps. Let me know if that works or if you’re still unsure what to do.

      Aw, thank you so much, Corrie!!!!😁 (Aw, the pinata is pretty, and I love the chocolates!!!) *gives you a hug*

      • Corrie.S.P

        Alas! Time waits for no one.

        I’m glad I happend to know a story you did not. I loved reading all the old grim’s fairy tales and stories when I was younger and that one cropped up a few times. I was intrigued when I found a re-telling of it.
        Hopefully you enjoy the books! Let me knw what you think of the retelling when you read it. Was the seccond book as good as the first? ect…😂 And definatly read the original story first, so you can compare😁

        Thanks for telling me! I figured it out thanks to your help. I can’t wait to read it and let Issabelle know what I think, hehehehehehheheheheheh😈

        • Katherine

          Tis a pity.😔 XD

          I’m glad you told me about it!! I’m planning on reading it now. That’s awesome! I’m sad I’ve never read all of Grimm’s fairy tales. Last year, I spent a lot of time reading Irish fairy tales, but this year, I’d like to read some of Grimm’s fairy tales.
          I definitely will let you know what I think.😉 Ooh, good to know. I’ll make sure to do that! And thank you again for telling me about it!! I’m so excited!!

          You’re so welcome! Yay!! I’m so glad!! Aaah, I know she is so excited for you to read it!! And she will definitely be happy to hear your thoughts on it!

          Also, I think I forgot to say this in my last comment, but thank you so much for entering the giveaway!!

  • Abby Burrus

    Wow, I can remember reviewing this book a year ago! Hmmm… Favorite romance? Well, Pride and Prejudice is right up there, and I guess I’d list it as a favorite 😉 But right now, the romance in The Flight of the Raven is so goooood, Damien and Selene are definitely one of my favorite couples ever…

    • Katherine

      Same! It feels like it was just yesterday, doesn’t it?
      Aaah, I love Pride and Prejudice!!!! 😀 It’s so good!! And Mr. Darcy is amazing!!! Ooh, cool! I’ve never read The Flight of the Raven, but I’m adding it to my tbr now!
      Thank you for entering the giveaway!

  • Ava Hope

    Eep, this is amazing!!! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you🥰 Happy Birthday to TMYLM!!
    There is no way I can pick a favorite romance ahh, that’s too hard! My favorite fairytale character, however, is definitely Peter Pan 😄

    • Katherine

      Thank you so much, Ava!!!! Aw, you’re so sweet! Thank you!!<3 😊
      Aaah, I know what you mean!! There are so many good romance stories it's hard to choose! Ah, cool!! I love Peter Pan!! 😀 He is such fun!!!
      Thank you for entering the giveaway!

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