Every Author Should Answer This ONE QUESTION Before Writing // Write a Book With Me Episode Two
Are you sure your ready to begin drafting your next WIP? Join TWN today for an insight on the one important question every author should know the answer to, even though most can't answer this!
5 Things All RESEARCHING Authors Should Know // Write a Book with Me Episode 1
Does your current project require extensive research but you're unsure where to even begin? Do you google a couple of words, check out a couple of books from the library, or something entirely different? Today Issabelle is covering the top 5 tips she follows in the researching process. Join TWN for the first episode in the brand-new Write a Book with Me series!
Shining Star Blogmas Announcement
Heya, TWNers! I just want to jump in here real quick to let you know about an AMAZING blog and a wonderful blogger who I’ve been so blessed to have gotten to know over the years! Addie from Shining Star is returning to her blog after a hiatus, and she has many fun posts planned for Blogmas this year! I am so honored to be able to support her and her fantastic site as she makes her long-awaited, fantabulous comeback, and I hope y’all with hope over to this link and check it out for yourself!!! And now, a quick word from Addie! Hey everyone! Thank you so much for…
Introducing my BRAND-NEW series: Write a Book with Me
Writing a full novel seems like such a daunting task. You may feel lost, unguided, unsure what to. But it doesn't have to be that way! Join me for TWN's new series where we walk you through the entire process of writing a novel from big idea to finished piece!
Redefining Success // Teen Writers’ Rally FINAL Post
Join us today as we wrap up our biggest writing event with a post from Issabelle encouraging you to relook at your idea of success!
Author Interview with Stefanie Lozinski // Teen Writers Rally Day Eleven
For day eleven of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally join TWN for an interview with indie YA Christian fantasy author, Stefanie Lozinski!
From Free-Time to Forever: Encouragement for Writers Seeking the Next Step // Guest Post from Grace A. Johnson
Join Teen Writers' Nook and Grace A. Johnson today for a post filled with encouragement to take the next step in pursuing your writing dreams! Author of the Christian romance Daughters of the Seven Seas Series, Grace Johnson has so much insight, wisdom, and advice to share for day ten of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally!
Interview with Jenna Terese // Teen Writers’ Rally day nine
Well, what better way to begin this season of writing insanity (also known as National Novel Writing Month) than with an interview from the writer mastermind herself, indie author, Jenna Terese! (YA Christian sci-fi author of Ignite.) Join us for the nineth day of the 2022 teen writers' rally!
The Writing Journey of a TEEN AUTHOR // guest post from Penelope Rugan
For day seven of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally, we have a guest post from one of TWN's FIRST readers. One of the authors featured in the Imagine Anthology, Penelope shares her writing journey and experience while also offering a few handy tips that have helped her grow as a writer along the way!
Interview with Caitlin Miller // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Six
Today I am interviewing Caitlin Miller, indie author of the historical fiction novel The Memories We Painted, for the latest installment of our Teen Writers' Rally.
Want a Higher Word-Count? Learn How to Type FASTER With These 5 Tips! // Guest Post from Mary @ Wild Writing Dreams
I am SO excited to be featuring Mary today with her guest post all about writing faster! Do you spend hours writing, only to peck out a few words? Do you get frustrated with how long it takes you to write a couple thousand? Then join TWN today as Mary unlocks her five best tips for writing faster.
Interview with Hannah Currie // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Four
Today I am interviewing Hannah Currie, author of Heart of a Royal and the newly released novel, Bring Her Home. Join me for day three of the rally!
Interview with Chawna Schroeder // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Three
Join TWN for day three of our first-ever Teen Writers' Rally with an interview from the author of Beast and The Vault Between Spaces: Chawna Schroeder!
Interview with Kara Linaburg // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Two
Join TWN for day two of our first-ever Teen Writers' Rally with an interview from indie author Kara Linaburg!
Introducing the 2022 Teen Writers’ Rally
Join us today to kick-off TWN's FIRST EVER Teen Writers' Rally. 13 authors. Two weeks. One big event.
Three Key Ways to See Growth In Your Writing
Do you want to make growth with your writing but you're unsure how? You try so many different techniques, yet nothing seems to work. Or maybe you're overwhelmed by all the different types of advice and resources available on what you should or shouldn't do and now writing is more work than fun. Join me today as I offer the only three things you need to try to see growth in your writing!
Breaking Down the Three-Act Story Structure
The three-act story structure is one of the most well-known story structures. But what exactly IS it and how can you use it for YOUR story? That's what we're unpacking today at Teen Writers' Nook!
Teen Writers’ Nook is BACK // life update & what you can now expect from your favorite teen-led, teen-focused writing site!
After over two years of Teen Writers' Nook, a year of sporadic posting, and an unplanned summer hiatus, TWN is officially coming back to the blogosphere. With new design, posts, and future plans, we're back and better than ever!
Bound and Determined COVER REVEAL
Ready to see the cover of an upcoming pirate Christian romance novel from teen indie author Grace A. Johnson? Presenting Bound and Determined!
Calligraphy Guild Blog Tour // Interview with Ryuu
Hey, TWNers! *cough* Okay so if you’ve been following the blog tour for R.M. Archer’s latest release, you might’ve noticed a certain someone was supposed to post yesterday. Y’all I have no idea what’s happening to me. I never forget about these blog tours and now this is the SECOND time I’ve forgotten in the last couple of weeks. *facepalm* I think it’s official, I’ve either lost my mind or should REALLY start writing things down. Personally, my vote is for the former. But I guess better late than never!!! Today I have the honor of participating in R.M. Archer’s blog tour for *drumroll* CALLIGRAPHY GUILD!!!!! You may remember when…