Imagine Anthology Blog Tour BEGINS! Kick-off Post!
That's right folks! The blog tour for TWN's upcoming anthology titled Imagine begins TODAY!!! Join us for this fun kick off post and see who won our latest giveaway.
Four Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Title for Your Book (With Imagine Anthology Updates)
Book titles can sometimes be really hard. Especially trying to make sure the reader is intrigued by it as that will sometimes be the first thing someone hears about your book. So how do you come up with a compelling, unique title? Teen Writers' Nook has you covered in this new writing tip post from Issabelle Perry!
Cover Reveal for The House That Didn’t End by E. K. Seaver (And Other Bookish News!)
Join me for the cover reveal of a new YA fantasy novella releasing in September, The House That Didn't End by E. K. Seaver!!! (And some other awesome bookish announcements I keep forgetting to, well, announce.)
ALL-NEW SERIES. A Peek Into My Notebook: Episode 1: The Forbidden Chronicles
Join Issabelle in the first part of this all new series: A Peek Into My Notebook. Learn more about what Issabelle's been working on writerly wise and catch never before seen graphics, excerpts, and just all-around fun!!!! Today's post takes a look into one of Issabelle's high fantasy series!
Interview with Brooke Eller, Founder of “I’m Good, Wbu?” Podcast.
Today Teen Writers' Nook has the honor to post our first ever interview. This one is with the teen founder of a fabulous podcast titled "I'm Good, Wbu?" Wanna learn more about the founder and the podcast? Read on, Writers!
How to FINALLY Finish Writing Your Book – Guest Post by Young Author Kayleigh Idea
Today we have the FANTABULOUS Kayleigh Idea on Teen Writers' Nook for an AMAZING guest post!!!!! It's all about how to get to the end of your novel, which is something that I know can be SO HARD to do!!!! So read on and see if you find some awesome tips waiting for you!
How to Make Memorable Characters Part Five: My Attempt at Character Profiles (With FREE Resource!)
I'm finally making my return to my series on character development!! Today, TWN is going to be looking at character profiles with an example for the characters of my newest novel! So read on and stay turned until the end where I share a bit of news about my completion of the first draft for Heir to His Crown!
My FIRST Author Interview at Gabbing with Grace!!!!!!!!!
Well, I think the title says it all. I'VE HAD MY FIRST AUTHOR INTERVIEW!!!! Read on!
A Lesson On Love Guest Post by Blogger Victoria!
Today we have the AMAZING Victoria from Soli Deo Gloria guest posting on TWN! She's bringing us a impactful post focused on how Christians should love as Christ has loved us first!! You don't want to miss the latest post on TWN!!!
My Writing Process Collab with Kristianne from Whimsical Wanderings
Today I'm going to be going through my writing process step by step. You'll get to see how I take a novel idea and write from first drafts to the finish piece all with some fun GIFs and my signature wacky self. ;) Join me today and then check out Kristianne's site Whimsical Wanderings to read about how she does her writing process!
Join Heir to His Crown’s Beta Reading Team – Sign Ups CLOSED
Would you like to join the beta reading team for Heir to His Crown beginning in May? Then don't miss the chance to sign up today!!!! And if interested in Heir to His Crown but don't have time/want to join the beta reading team or are unsure if you should, still read on as I will be talking a lot about my latest fantasy novel. I'll be sharing graphics, an interview with one of the characters, the story's synopsis and more!!!
A Very Sad Announcement
I have a very sad, but highly important, announcement to make today. Please read!
Would You Be Tag + Reflections Tag AND Winners ANNOUNCED!
Alright, y'all, I've got two AMAZING tags here on TWN today and I shall FINALLY be announcing the awesome winner of the previous giveaway!!! Stay tuned!!!!!
Owl Hollow Press’s 2021 Change the World All-Teen Anthology is Released (A.K.A. Y’all Can Finally Read Fairly Impish) + Giveaway
TODAY. IS. THE. DAY. You heard me right, today is the day when "Fairly Impish" is FINALLY published!!!! Come and join the celebration party. This will be a crazy and fun-filled post where I announce the anthology's release, give an update on writing/life, maybe share some fun collages, and offer a giveaway opportunity!!! You don't wanna miss this post!
How Do I Lead My Readers to Christ – Guest Post by Author and Blogger, Joy Caroline
Today we have the awesome, Joy Caroline, guest posting on Teen Writers' Nook!! We are honored to have her post on how writers can still lead their readers to Christ, regardless of whether they write Christian fiction or not.
Guest Posting on Shining Star Today!
GUYS, you’re never gonna believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M GUEST POSTING ON ADDIE’S INCREDIBLE BLOG TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Sooo join me as I talk about my top five FAVORITE book series ever right HERE! THANK YOU ADDIE for letting me guest post!!!!! <33
Fantasy Writers’ Worldbuilding Linkup Hosted by Gabbing With Grace
Are you guys ready for another linkup? 'Cause that's what's happening here at Teen Writers' Nook! Join Issabelle for an awesome look at a new world......
The Liebster Award Times 5!
TWN has been tagged for the Liebster Award four times and I have an additional tag! All of them happen here!! Be prepared for some epicness, secrets revealed, and the first time all three founders of TWN join together for a fun-filled post!
6 Awesome Tips to Help You Accomplish a Mind-Blowing Plot Twist
Plot twists can be some of the hardest things to write. You want to be able to shock the reader but still foreshadow. This can seem like a super scary thing to conquer. If you've got an epic plot twist in your story, then don't miss this next post on Teen Writers' Nook!!
Escaping the Blogosphere Wrap-Up Post Party!!! And WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
The virtual scavenger hunt comes to an end. Don't miss the super fun wrap up party with the winners of the giveaway announced!