Write a Book with Me
6 Questions to Ask that Will Help with Character Development (Plus Newsletter and Hiatus Announcements) // Write a Book with Me Episode Three
Characters. They make or break a novel. No matter the story, the message, the plot... if the reader doesn't care about your character, it won't have the same impact. That's why character development is so important. But don't worry, because today, TWN has got you covered!
Every Author Should Answer This ONE QUESTION Before Writing // Write a Book With Me Episode Two
Are you sure your ready to begin drafting your next WIP? Join TWN today for an insight on the one important question every author should know the answer to, even though most can't answer this!
5 Things All RESEARCHING Authors Should Know // Write a Book with Me Episode 1
Does your current project require extensive research but you're unsure where to even begin? Do you google a couple of words, check out a couple of books from the library, or something entirely different? Today Issabelle is covering the top 5 tips she follows in the researching process. Join TWN for the first episode in the brand-new Write a Book with Me series!
Introducing my BRAND-NEW series: Write a Book with Me
Writing a full novel seems like such a daunting task. You may feel lost, unguided, unsure what to. But it doesn't have to be that way! Join me for TWN's new series where we walk you through the entire process of writing a novel from big idea to finished piece!