The Nightmare Virus by Nadine Brandes Book Review
Today I'll be reviewing the YA Christian sci-fi fantasy book, The Nightmare Virus by Nadine Brandes. Read the post to hear my thoughts and the book's content review.
Tell Me You Love Me Turns 1!!!
One year ago, my short story, "He Wanted my Heart," was published in the Tell Me You Love Me Christian romance anthology. Today, I'm celebrating it's one year anniversary!
The Nightmare Virus by Nadine Brandes Book Cover Reveal
Cover reveal for THE NIGHTMARE VIRUS by Nadine Brandes–a new YA science fantasy standalone coming July 2024!
TWN is Hosting its First Reading Challenge!
Hello lovely readers!! I hope you have been enjoying your January and have had time to read a good book! It’s been awhile since Teen Writers’ Nook has done something fun and exciting (our plans for last year were unfortunately halted, but we still have every intention of getting back to it soon!). So to kick off the new year, even if we are a few weeks late, we’ve decided to create our very FIRST year-long reading challenge prompt list!!!!!!! via GIPHY The three of us worked together to create prompts for each month as well as a recommendations list for each month’s prompt. You don’t have to read any of…
Wishtress by Nadine Brandes Book Review
Today I'll be reviewing the YA Christian fantasy book, Wishtress by Nadine Brandes. Read the post to hear my thoughts and the book's content review.
The Once Upon a Time Book Tag
Once upon a time . . . I decided to answer questions in The Once Upon a Time Book Tag!
Author Interview with Kayti, Rissy, and Jaidie Phillips (Prince of Vengeance Blog Tour)
How many books will there be in The Dragon Prince Chronicles series? Where did the idea for Prince of Vengeance come from? Learn answers to these questions and more in today's author interview!
Tell Me You Love Me is Released! (He Wanted My Heart is Officially Published + Story Trailer!)
Announcing the release of Tell Me You Love and He Wanted My Heart's publication, plus sharing its story trailer!
DIY Hollowed Book Tutorial
Have you ever tried hollowing a book before? Suggested by TWN reader Penelope, this post will show you how with directions and pictures! Come check it out!
Feathers and Roses: All Things Fairy Tale DUAL COVER REVEAL hosted by Jen’s Author Assistance
Come see the cover reveals for TWO fairy tale retelling books releasing September 2022!!
Cover Reveal! Calligraphy Guild by R. M. Archer
See the cover for an upcoming fantasy novel from indie author R.M. Archer!
The Princess Companion by Melanie Cellier Book Review
Genre: Fairy Tale Retelling and Romance Age Range: 13 and up Rating: 5/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reviewed by Katherine Summary If anyone had told me a year ago that I would find true love through a pea, I would have laughed. Lost in the woods. A rainy night. An uncomfortable mattress. What next? After getting caught in a terrible storm one night, Alyssa has no choice but to take shelter in the Winter Castle. However, while staying there, Alyssa finds herself as the new “Princess Companion.” She is growing fond of the royal family, but not everything is happy-go-lucky. It seems that danger is awaiting the royal family. Is Alyssa strong…
Guest Post from Debut Fantasy Author, E. K. Seaver (The House That Didn’t End Blog Tour)
Heya, TWNers!!!! So we’re taking a quick break from the Imagine blog tour (and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I highly recommend checking the post before this one). Anyway, we’re taking a quick break so I can talk about a new YA fantasy novella that JUST released earlier this month! The House That Didn’t End!!!!!! I’ll keep my intro brief. So if you have no idea what this novella is, then check this out: Nothing, not even the creepy house in the woods, can dissuade Ly O’Dare from finishing this scavenger hunt. Where else can a broke seventeen-year-old get enough money to finance her art endeavors…
Daylight: A 9/11 Short Story by Grace A. Johnson Book Review
Stop #5 of the Daylight launch tour! (P.S. winners of the TWN giveaway will be announced next week.)
Go on an Adventure With This Great Book List!
Scavenger Hunt Stop #2
Come check out this post and join the scavenger hunt! Several bloggers are joining in to talk about summer and books. And you, the lovely readers, get to search for clues and enter in a giveaway for awesome prizes!!!!
Get to Know Ya Book Tag
What’s up everyone!! Soooo, how’s everyone’s NaNoWriMo coming along (if you’re doing it, that is)? I feel like while we’re in November, that’s just kind of what you have to say to every writer. I don’t know why. (Even though I know a lot of writers who aren’t even doing it.) So, I’m dong my FIRST EVER TAG!!!!! Eeek!! I’m like super excited. Like REALLY excited. Like I need to stop saying ‘like’ excited. So, I found this tag from Cherelle’s site @ Cherelle the Bibliophile. Check it out here. It looked like a fun tag, and I knew I had to do it. So, that’s what’s going down today. Also,…