Meant to Be: 6 Steps to Discovering the Right Publishing Route – Guest Post by Amazon Bestselling Author, Grace A. Johnson
Indie publishing? Hybrid, traditional? So many different options it's hard to know which one is the best for you and your book!! Join TWN today as Amazon bestselling author, Grace A. Johnson, gives us some helpful tips about discovering the right publishing platform for you!
Imagine Anthology Blog Tour Wrap-Up Post!
Imagine has been released for a whole week now! Isn't that exciting?! And now the tour is coming to an end. Join the final celebration and see who won the giveaway!
Imagine Anthology is Released!
THE IMAGINE ANTHOLOGY IS RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via GIPHY After four long months of hard work, our anthology has now come into the world!!! That means you can buy an ebook or a paperback at last! The ebook is $0.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited and the paperback is $6.79! Click HERE to order your copy!!! And for our GoodReads users, you can also put this book on your want to read shelf by clicking this handy dandy thing! For any of our new readers, you may be wondering what this book I can buy is all about! Well, look no further: It’s time to imagine… Imagination. Such a small word for such a huge impact…
Teen Writers’ Nook’s Imagine Anthology Blog Tour: Featuring Author Linyang Zhang
Join TWN for the next stop in our blog tour in celebration of Imagine's upcoming release! Today we have an author interview with Linyang Zhang and a character interview from characters in her short story Visionaries! And don't miss the chance to read an early sneak peek for the anthology!
Guest Post from Debut Fantasy Author, E. K. Seaver (The House That Didn’t End Blog Tour)
Heya, TWNers!!!! So we’re taking a quick break from the Imagine blog tour (and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I highly recommend checking the post before this one). Anyway, we’re taking a quick break so I can talk about a new YA fantasy novella that JUST released earlier this month! The House That Didn’t End!!!!!! I’ll keep my intro brief. So if you have no idea what this novella is, then check this out: Nothing, not even the creepy house in the woods, can dissuade Ly O’Dare from finishing this scavenger hunt. Where else can a broke seventeen-year-old get enough money to finance her art endeavors…
Imagine Anthology Blog Tour BEGINS! Kick-off Post!
That's right folks! The blog tour for TWN's upcoming anthology titled Imagine begins TODAY!!! Join us for this fun kick off post and see who won our latest giveaway.
It’s Time to Imagine: Cover Reveal for Imagine Anthology
Are you ready to see the cover for TWN's upcoming anthology? Join us today and be one of firsts to catch a glimpse of Imagine's cover, see some awesome sneak peeks, and join in on an exclusive giveaway opportunity! It's all happening today right here on Teen Writers' Nook!!!!
Four Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Title for Your Book (With Imagine Anthology Updates)
Book titles can sometimes be really hard. Especially trying to make sure the reader is intrigued by it as that will sometimes be the first thing someone hears about your book. So how do you come up with a compelling, unique title? Teen Writers' Nook has you covered in this new writing tip post from Issabelle Perry!
Teen Writers’ Nook One Year Blogiversary (Feat. All About You Around the Blogosphere Tag)
Greetings readers!!! It brings us great pleasure that you have stumbled upon this blog. We trust that you are doing well! As you can see from the title, today is OUR ONE YEAR BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! Cue the fireworks! via GIPHY The past year has been a wild, crazy, fun ride from seeing this li’l ole idea become a reality, reaching over 100 followers, watching the site expand and being able to help teen authors, and even on the verge of releasing an anthology! None of us at TWN could’ve possibly ever dreamed what one whim of an idea could’ve become!!!!!! Has everything gone smoothly and as planned? Naaah, not even by…
Announcing the Winning Authors for TWN’s Imagine Anthology!
Today. Is. The. Day. TWN is so honored to announce the talented young authors who will be featured in our upcoming anthology titled, Imagine.
ALL-NEW SERIES. A Peek Into My Notebook: Episode 1: The Forbidden Chronicles
Join Issabelle in the first part of this all new series: A Peek Into My Notebook. Learn more about what Issabelle's been working on writerly wise and catch never before seen graphics, excerpts, and just all-around fun!!!! Today's post takes a look into one of Issabelle's high fantasy series!
TWN Special Surprise/Opportunity Celebrating over 100 Followers & Almost 1 Year Blogiversary
TWN FINALLY announces our surprise celebrating over 100 followers (seriously, y'all, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH) and almost a full year of blogging!!! WOOHOOO!!! This is a post you don't want to miss, so join us today!!!
How to FINALLY Finish Writing Your Book – Guest Post by Young Author Kayleigh Idea
Today we have the FANTABULOUS Kayleigh Idea on Teen Writers' Nook for an AMAZING guest post!!!!! It's all about how to get to the end of your novel, which is something that I know can be SO HARD to do!!!! So read on and see if you find some awesome tips waiting for you!
How to Make Memorable Characters Part Five: My Attempt at Character Profiles (With FREE Resource!)
I'm finally making my return to my series on character development!! Today, TWN is going to be looking at character profiles with an example for the characters of my newest novel! So read on and stay turned until the end where I share a bit of news about my completion of the first draft for Heir to His Crown!
Scavenger Hunt Stop #2
Come check out this post and join the scavenger hunt! Several bloggers are joining in to talk about summer and books. And you, the lovely readers, get to search for clues and enter in a giveaway for awesome prizes!!!!
A Lesson On Love Guest Post by Blogger Victoria!
Today we have the AMAZING Victoria from Soli Deo Gloria guest posting on TWN! She's bringing us a impactful post focused on how Christians should love as Christ has loved us first!! You don't want to miss the latest post on TWN!!!
Join Heir to His Crown’s Beta Reading Team – Sign Ups CLOSED
Would you like to join the beta reading team for Heir to His Crown beginning in May? Then don't miss the chance to sign up today!!!! And if interested in Heir to His Crown but don't have time/want to join the beta reading team or are unsure if you should, still read on as I will be talking a lot about my latest fantasy novel. I'll be sharing graphics, an interview with one of the characters, the story's synopsis and more!!!